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Thread: Checklist for photography day-hike

  1. #1
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Checklist for photography day-hike

    Photographers’ Day-hike Checklist:
    Camera, or two, camera strap, batteries, memory cards (images saved & backed up)
    Lenses appropriate to shoot in padded case
    Cigarette lighter charger for camera and cell phone
    Tripod, ball head, eyepiece block (cloth or lever as on my D810)
    Lens brush, lens tissue, and professional cleaning fluid
    Water (lots of it), energy bars, trail mix, can of something & spoon
    Handwipes & roll of paper towels for trunk
    Filters, flash
    Cell phone
    GPS device & compass
    Maps (tell someone dependable where you are going and give them a copy of the map and trail; plan the hike then hike the plan
    Jacket (rainproof shell) with hood & hat
    Base layer (Patagonia)
    Flashlight, Signal mirror, First Aid Kit
    Bear spray & big cat deterrent of your choice
    Sunglasses (not polarized), Glasses case
    Boots (tall for snake country)
    Fitbit watch
    Pocket knife a’ la Swiss Army Knife
    Backup car key (I keep one in wallet)
    iPad with DOF calculator…perhaps


  2. #2

    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Quote Originally Posted by Abitconfused View Post
    Photographers’ Day-hike Checklist:
    Camera, or two, camera strap, batteries, memory cards (images saved & backed up)
    Lenses appropriate to shoot in padded case

    Lens brush, lens tissue, and professional cleaning fluid
    Handwipes & roll of paper towels for trunk
    Cell phone
    GPS device & compass
    Maps (tell someone dependable where you are going and give them a copy of the map and trail; plan the hike then hike the plan
    Jacket (rainproof shell) with hood & hat
    Base layer (Patagonia)
    First Aid Kit
    Sunglasses (not polarized), Glasses case
    Pocket knife a’ la Swiss Army Knife
    Backup car key (I keep one in wallet)
    Some kind of cart to carry it all on I think...
    In season I would add sunblock
    I personally would take a pair of sprung hiking poles - they take 40% of the stress off one's knees and give stability on steep or narrow paths. You can get poles that will double as a mono-pod.

    That's an impressive list, which will certainly vary considerably with location and climate, plus the kinds of things one shoots.
    I must admit I travel MUCH lighter than that for most of my day walks, which take place in low, temperate locations.
    Given where I live - (NZ) I can forego gear to protect me from predatory fauna such as bears, snakes or even lethal spiders.
    I have never carried a flash and filters into the wild and RARELY carry a tripod.
    I charge my phone then turn it off to save batteries, not scare the birds, and get some peace.
    I have a watch with compass, altimeter and barometer so I don't need those or a Fitbit.

    IF, however, I was doing a day hike in an alpine area, such as the well-known Tongariro Alpine Crossing, then I take a full survival kit including:
    Small tent, with emergency sleeping bag
    Gloves (perhaps fingerless - we have some excellent possum fur gloves that are soft, warm and stay that way when wet)
    Stove (Piezo ignition) plus gas and at least one day's food and a pot
    I use a Camelbak 3 li for water
    Warm head covering
    Head lamp (with red LEDs)
    If it's really remote I would consider and emergency locator beacon (you can hire them for a fairly nominal fee)
    All of this in a good backpack with rain cover.

    These things vary dramatically on geographical location, terrain, season and level of isolation. Of course it helps if you have some idea what you want to photograph!

  3. #3
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    On my day hikes I don't get too overburdened with camera gear. I have a monopod that doubles as a hiking staff, I do carry a lot of food and beverage (non-alcoholic). I generally don't venture too far from trailheads. The Bighorns where I live has some pretty rugged terrain. I usually carry a large caliber handgun as there are potentially dangerous animals here. Fortunately I have not had any issue with them and I do not intend to start. Snakes are not an issue at higher elevation but the area is loaded with rattlers at lower elevations.

    Camera wise, I take my Fujifilm with a 35 or 50mm lens, a spare battery and a few filters.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    That tripod and ballhead is an absolute "must check" item as I've left home without the head at least twice.

  5. #5
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Quote Originally Posted by Abitconfused View Post
    [B]Photographers’ Day-hike Checklist . . . Missing?
    If the day hike is in such a remote and/or so treacherous a location as to require GPS, Compass, Maps, copies of which, with the hike plan and route have to be given to a dependable person, then, surely the key missing element is 'a buddy'.


  6. #6

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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Wow, I don't even take half that stuff on multi-day backpacking trips.

    I'm curious what you will use the 12v power adapter for if you are on a hike?

  7. #7

    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    I am still struggling to figure out the requirement to take an Ipad with a DoF calculator, and of course that 12v charger. Surely if you REALLY need a DoF calculator (are you considering macros?) there must be an app for the phone you have fully charged.

    If you are in bear country then you may choose to take bells. Although there is a standing joke in Canada that they found a dangerous bear and after killing it opened it up to discover it's stomach was full of bells.

  8. #8

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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    I am still struggling to figure out the requirement to take an Ipad with a DoF calculator, and of course that 12v charger. Surely if you REALLY need a DoF calculator (are you considering macros?) there must be an app for the phone you have fully charged.

    If you are in bear country then you may choose to take bells. Although there is a standing joke in Canada that they found a dangerous bear and after killing it opened it up to discover it's stomach was full of bells.
    We have a joke in my Mountain Bike group "you can tell if we are in bear country by looking for the bells in the poop"

  9. #9
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Quote Originally Posted by Tri Danimal View Post
    . . . I don't even take half that stuff on multi-day backpacking trips. . .
    Neither do I.


    E. James, I think you should consider: "Less is More".

    A few years ago, four of us hiked the last two stations on Jungfrau. I took a Fuji X100s and a Canon 5D with a 24 to 105/4L IS and spare batteries. I had stomach flu so I took two (extra) bottles of water and electrolyte solution. Certainly the weather deteriorated as we moved higher and we were appropriately careful. Apart from wearing appropriate clothing and registering with the authorities at the beginning station and at the end station and sticking to the designated (authorized) route, we took nothing else apart from each of us having three "buddies".

    Last year two of us made day hikes through the South Island of New Zealand. No check in with authorities, we're both in good health, we took appropriate clothing and water and mobile phones, the sun is our compass, we stuck with each other as "buddies". I took a Fuji X100s and spare batteries and an R72 Filter - which I did indeed use and I needed to use a tree for support because I required a ridiculously slow Shutter Speed and unless they're paying me money, there's no way I hike with a Monopod or Tripod.

    Certainly I am NOT a 'Landscape Photographer' the idea of it simply drives me nuts: I have the greatest admiration for the patience and persistence of (as one example) Donald's journey through that particular Genre, and I do understand that a 'Landscape Photographer' by nature will often require more gear than a Fuji X100s, however I sincerely do advise that you reconsider the contents of your backpack for that day hike.

    Checklist for photography day-hike
    Jungfrau 1

    Checklist for photography day-hike
    Jungfrau 2

    Checklist for photography day-hike
    New Zealand - South Island

    Checklist for photography day-hike
    Lake Te Anau, New Zealand (R72)


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  10. #10
    Abitconfused's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    After consultation with my crystal ball and personal guru, I have come to the conclusion that no one needs to gather up ALL the items on the checklist for any one adventure.

  11. #11
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    William (call me Bill), those are some beautiful photos.

  12. #12
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Thank you.

  13. #13
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    If you are not carrying a supertelephoto lens I might add a pair of binoculars.

  14. #14
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Seems like overkill to me as well. In terms of photo equipment, why do you need a car charger if you are going out for the day? I try to remember to carry a single extra battery but can't recall the last time I needed it on a day hike. I carry a lenspen or a small rocket blower to get rid of dust, but I make do without other cleaning gear until I get back. A smudge on a filter isn't going to have much if any visible impact. I never carry a flash. The one thing I do carry that isn't on your list is a cheap wired remote release. Weighs almost nothing.

    I don't own a GPS.

  15. #15

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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    a gps enables you to easily and accurately record where you take your photographs.

  16. #16
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Quote Originally Posted by loosecanon View Post
    a gps enables you to easily and accurately record where you take your photographs.
    Could you use an iPhone app for that? Verbal descriptions are usually enough for me, but I can see cases in which you would want to give someone a more precise location.

  17. #17

    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    I think there are things that anyone going on a day photo shoot would consider a must-have (like a camera for example! ), but the list will vary even depending on what you are going to shoot and how you are going to do so.

    The same applies for the gear just to "go bush" - things like water, food, first aid kit, any critical medicines, some kind of map, appropriate clothing etc. are pretty standard. But then it depends on where you are going - the terrain, how remote it is, whether you are dealing with large predators and that allows for a lot of variation.

    Finally there are things that will depend on your physical comfort - for those of us with aging joints or knee issues poles would be considered important, whereas if you are young, or have great joints then not so much.

    I totally agree that at least letting someone know your planned route and timing is a necessity, and as Bill said nothing beats having a photo buddy along for both safety and security: even using the loo is easier if someone is there to look after your gear! One of the most enjoyable holidays I ever had was about 3 weeks of day walks with a friend who was also a keen photographer, going through the Alberta and BC Rockies and on to Vancouver Island. It was magic having someone else to share the moment and see different possibilities.

    So really there cannot be a "one-size-fits-all" solution to this. I personally like to travel as light as possible, and probably err on the side of taking too much camera gear, but we all suffer for our art!

  18. #18
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    Quote Originally Posted by Abitconfused View Post
    Photographers’ Day-hike Checklist:
    Camera, or two, camera strap, batteries, memory cards (images saved & backed up)
    Lenses appropriate to shoot in padded case
    Cigarette lighter charger for camera and cell phone
    Tripod, ball head, eyepiece block (cloth or lever as on my D810)
    Lens brush, lens tissue, and professional cleaning fluid
    Water (lots of it), energy bars, trail mix, can of something & spoon
    Handwipes & roll of paper towels for trunk
    Filters, flash
    Cell phone
    GPS device & compass
    Maps (tell someone dependable where you are going and give them a copy of the map and trail; plan the hike then hike the plan
    Jacket (rainproof shell) with hood & hat
    Base layer (Patagonia)
    Flashlight, Signal mirror, First Aid Kit
    Bear spray & big cat deterrent of your choice
    Sunglasses (not polarized), Glasses case
    Boots (tall for snake country)
    Fitbit watch
    Pocket knife a’ la Swiss Army Knife
    Backup car key (I keep one in wallet)
    iPad with DOF calculator…perhaps

    This is all ye need...
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  19. #19

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    Re: Checklist for photography day-hike

    You may also need some rolls of film ISO(50-100, or up to 400) if things are a little dark!!

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