I thought I might share some of the work that I do as I prepare an image for a "large" format print.
I'm working on five different images right now that will be printed as 11" x 14" / A3 size.
1. Original colour image - of a Yampara boy I took about a month ago, while visiting Bolivia.
2. I generally do my B&W conversions by using Photoshop's Channel Mixer and set the values to R=30%, G= 59% and B = 11%. This corresponds to what we see when we set the camera to B&W mode and gives me a neutral base to start with. I generally do not use external tools like Silver Efex Pro when I prepare an image for print.
3. After doing my first test print and identifying areas that needed tweaking this is my first cut of where I want to go with this image. I'll be doing some more test prints to fine tune this image. Mostly this is burning and dodging andsome minor repair work to accentuate parts of the image and to downplay or eliminate distractions.