Originally Posted by
You have posted before that you have not used Lightroom, and from what you post, I assume you haven't read much by the developers. Until you have, you are just speculating, and when you speculate incorrectly, as in this case, you can mislead people who read this forum to learn how software works.
I haven't taken the time to find the earlier threads--I find the search function in the forum hard to use effectively--but the issue of the order of edits in Lightroom has been discussed in detail in the past. Manfred is correct: the order the user adds edits is NOT the order in which the software applies them. If I recall correctly, one of the earlier threads included a quote from one of the developers explaining this. I illustrated it concretely by applying a series of severe edits to create one JPEG and then reversing the entire series of commands to create another. The two JPEGs, which I posted on this forum, were not distinguishable.
So the answer is in fact "do something, the order doesn't matter." The order of edits in the develop panel reflects the developers' notion of the sequence most people would follow, but you needn't do that. For example, the lens profile adjustment is near the bottom (I believe in part because of the complexity of the math involved and hence the possibility of slowing down older computers), but it makes no sense to me to apply that AFTER doing local and global tonality adjustments, given that the profile adjustment corrects for vignetting. In fact, I have the lens profile correction added to my default import settings.