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Thread: Hill of Crosses - Revisited in the Lab Colour Space

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Hill of Crosses - Revisited in the Lab Colour Space

    This is the second image that I've done completely in the Lab colour space. Most of the retouching was done using small selections and used the L(ightness) channel to dodge and burn. In the end I did not like the result and started playing with the a* and b* channels as well. They brought in some lovely colouration (something I remember doing about 5 years ago when I took a colour correction course at a local college). Small and equal movements of both the white point and black point along the axes just improved the colours to a point I had not been able to achieve before.

    The final step of the process was to convert to sRGB. I'm going to have to experiment with printing as well. I suspect that printing directly from the Lab colour space is not going to work well...

    Time for some more experimentation...

    Hill of Crosses - Revisited in the Lab Colour Space

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Hill of Crosses - Revisited in the Lab Colour Space

    I think this image cannot be duly appreciated in monitor size; it has to be viewed huge wall size....Then it must be "Waaw"

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