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Thread: Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

    And sometimes, I don't. I'd hate to think it's all accidental and I am not learning, but when I shoot a whole series and find I am having to try to re-attain the white balance in PS or Gimp, then I have to wonder if I really knew it at all.
    Is there someone in this forum who can give a relatively non-overly-technical approach to ensuring it is accomplished in-camera everytime, and of course, correctly. The instruction book that came with the camera (Nikon D7000)'s kind of like one of those "This is How You Make Love," how to books...doesn't quite get you there...if you know what I mean.

  2. #2
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

    The only sure-fire way would be to take a white balance reading off a grey card every time the light changes or for each series.

  3. #3

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    Re: Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

    Grey card or white card...I've seen posts supporting each. I am used to a grey card as I shoot zone most of the time and that is essential for me to place my image.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

    I always shoot in RAW usually with auto white balance (which puts me quite close most of the time)... Sometimes I include a white/gray card and sometimes I don't. I have never had any significant problems adjusting my WB when shooting RAW. Occasionally when shooting under mixed light sources, the WB correction might be a bit tricky - but, never to any great degree.

    When shooting my Maltese dogs, THEY ARE MY WHITE BALANCE INDEX.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

    I find that AWB usually works fine if there is something in the scene which is suitable for it to use as a reference point; if not, setting a Custom White Balance is essential.

  6. #6

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    Re: Sometimes, I manage to hit the white balance in-camera

    I just finished reading 8 pages in the Nikon D7000 handbook about white balance. This little puppy has at least 6 different ways to set WB from flash to bracketing, to card, kelvin temp and some others I am not sure of...for now, I have it set at WBA but will begin to experiment with it as I become more comfy with the 60 million other features this camera has to offer.

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