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Thread: I sold my first lens on eBay

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    I sold my first lens on eBay

    I have been dragging my feet regarding culling down my photo gear. It has always been: "One of these days I'll get around to selling the stuff!"

    However, my recent coronary problems were a wake up call and I have finally started to sell my stuff on eBay. It is really easier than I imagined. They suggested a starting price for the Canon EF 35mm f/2.0 IS lens and the bidding was slow at first but, right at the end, I actually got more than I expected.

    Now, I have several more lenses, several camera bodies and some flash equipment that I'd like to sell. I plan to list them tomorrow on eBay.

    I am also going to list some low value items on such as a set of Pro Optic 77mm filters that I got as a freebie from Adorama when I purchased my 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens. Twenty bucks for a like new in box set of filters that retails for $48.00 seems like a good price...

    I plan on keeping my Canon 7D Mark-2 along with my 6D Mark-2 and a few lenses...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 31st July 2019 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    Go luck Richard !
    Cheers !

  3. #3

    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    I have always kept my gear with the original documentation and packaging for a couple of reasons: when I am not using items they live in their box, but on the few occasions I have sold stuff it has always got a good price because of the packaging and the immaculate condition of the gear.

    That said I have been incredibly poor at selling gear, as my profile will attest to... That is, in part, because in NZ we are very isolated physically, so it is harder to get people to look at a purchase from here. The local site, has been hiking prices up and up, so between that and a lot of tyre kickers, I have not been encouraged to put stuff up for auction. Local dealers take between 20-35% of a sale price so for me it's just not worth it. Perhaps I shall just start a museum of digital gear one day!

    I understand both your intent in selling and respect your determination to do so. I have been lucky so far, cataract surgery has drastically improved my vision and with a new knee I can carry all my heavy gear around again, so I am less pressured to sell down.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 1st August 2019 at 01:15 AM.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    I could also start a museum also since I really hate to sell anything... I don't mind giving things away, I just don't like selling. Anyway, I listed three more lenses that I don't really like to use. A 19mm f/2.8 Sigma, a 16mm f/2.8 Sony and a Canon mount Sigma 30mm f/1.4 EX DC HSM. The last lens, I purchased by mistake thinking that it would work seamlessly on my Sony APSC cameras using a Sigma MC-11 adapter. It is only the ART series 30mm f/1.4 that is seamlessly compatible.

    I have already received one bid for the Sigma 19mm. None of the three lenses are particularly expensive and I will most likely get my money back that I paid for them...

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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    Your post, Richard, has awakened my memory too. I should really be selling my Nikkormat with 28, 50 and 105mm lenses; a Yashikamat LM and my Bronica ETRS with its three lenses.

  6. #6
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    Some month ago I sold the Canon 70-200 f/2.8 IS, bought some 10 years ago but I kept my Canon 20D (!!) and my Canon 5D (!!) as well as the 16-35 f/2.8 and the 24 70 f/.8 but... what for ?
    Recently a young girl I know from my Projecto 33 (never mind what is it now) is looking for a camera.
    She has's much money and she is very young and dynamic. I think I am going to borrow her the 20 or the 5 for which I have 4 or 5 batteries.
    On the other hand I will not be selling neither my Olympus 5 MkII nor the bunch of lens. (7-14 | 20-40 | 40-150 | 42.5 | Pancake | 15 or 16... now that I moved to Sony
    I have never sold or bought anything in ebay. I do not trust them so much, for no reason...

  7. #7

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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    Quote Originally Posted by Acorn View Post
    Your post, Richard, has awakened my memory too. I should really be selling my Nikkormat with 28, 50 and 105mm lenses; a Yashikamat LM and my Bronica ETRS with its three lenses.
    Ah yes, I had a Nikkormat, too! I gave mine away a few years ago, for someone to put on display with other old camers of little worth, as it was not servicable.

  8. #8

    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    When I went to digital I sold all of my original film gear - Nikon F3 bodies, Canon A-1 bodies and a bunch of lenses and flashes. It was some time later that I decided I wanted some kind of reminder of the days - nick-knacks if you will - so I bought, very cheaply just one each of the bodies that I used, I will never fire them up again, so working condition was less important than cosmetic.

    Rather than sell and fall into the "slough of despond" over not getting enough money, I have given away a couple of cameras to worthy recipients - it feels good, some things money can't buy...

  9. #9
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    I'm the other way round. Stuff that I no longer use I sell (not that I have ever had that much gear).

    My difference is that I sell to a reseller, in my case mpb.

    I know I could likely get more on Ebay, but this way is completely hassle free, and I think their prices are fair judging by what they resell at.

    We all differ in what is important to us.


  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I sold my first lens on eBay

    Selling the gear is a matter of getting rid of it so it is not hanging around taking up space.

    There is a young lady, an unmarried mom with a child who works in my Vets office who told me once that she wished she had a nice camera to take pics of her kid. I am giving her an old Nikon bridge camera with batteries and a couple of CF Cards.

    I sold a 7D camera and a lens to my next door neighbor and I am giving him an old Sigma Aspherical 28mm f/1.8 lens. This lens is a freak because it will not autofocus on any camera newer than a Canon 10D and Sigma cannot or will not rechip it for more modern cameras,

    For some reason, my neighbor always manually focuses when he shoots. I couldn't get anything for the lens so I am just giving it to him.

    I have been collecting the odds and ends for my camera gear like sorting out the proper batteries and chargers.

    My 7D Mark-2 would not turn on (and thought, "here I go again) but, learned to my great relief that it was the fault of a bad battery charger which registered the battery as charged when it actually had no power. I am going to keep the 7D2 and the 6D2 because I really like those cameras. I will keep a few lenses for them, my 100mm f/2.8 Macro (which I absolutely love using on my 6D2 for focus stacking) and my 28-70mm f/2.8 Tokina ATX (which I also dearly love).

    I am tossed up regarding my 70-200mm f/4L IS lens and my 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS ii lens. I have a 70-200mm f/4 for my Sony E-mount and I "MIGHT" just sell the two Canon lenses and use the money to fund a Sony 100-400mm lens.

    My wife sees me selling lenses and cameras which makes her very happy... However she probably would not be too pleased to learn that I am reinvesting some money that I have gotten from sales to buy a used Sony NEX-6 camera which I am going to have converted to full time infrared... Oh well, I have my old full time IR Canon D60 camera on sale

    There is a camera show this weekend just north of me. I just might pack up everything and dump it there... I wouldn't get much but, it would be a lot easier...

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