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Thread: Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

  1. #1
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Randy Butters

    Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

    Note: now amending this post for the second time. I have figured out the problem with the cropping and exporting the batch of layers as individual JPEG files (instead of just png). It took a fair amount of experimentation, and it was the selecting of all of the images in the preview window when doing the export that was important. Without that, it just used png for all but the one highlighted file in the window.

    So, problem solved. Still, I ask: is there an easier way to do this: to work with a group of shots and align them uniformly and then export them; something better than opening them all as layers in one file as I have done?
    ================================================== =============================

    Since I learned Lightroom before I learned Photoshop, I am still more comfortable working in LR. I have gained enough momentum in Photoshop now so that I am starting to do more things there.

    At this time, a specific project generates a question on how to do something: batch processing photos in Photoshop.

    Here's how this started and why I am beginning with the idea of processing from layers specifically, rather than opening my shots as individual files:

    I took a batch of shots of the same subject without using a tripod and I wasn't able to maintain the exact same framing throughout the session. Now I want to take the photos and process them so the framing is the same and the tonal qualities match fairly well (I am pretty good on this count since the light was constant). Btw, I did this so the shots look consistent in series and potentially to use them for a very short timelapse.

    So I took the photos and opened them as one file with layers in Photoshop, directly from Lightroom. Using guides and some layer transformations, I lined them up well and I think the tonal consistencies are good enough for my purposes. I seem to only be able to get Png file exports, which I can work with but would prefer working with JPEGs. Also, when they are exporting, I seem to be getting some problems with cropping that I did to align them. This maybe is resolved with "deleting cropped pixels" but that seems drastic. Besides, I tried it once and it didn't seem to completely resolve the size/cropping problems.

    I did the attempt at export by using the "Export As..." command from the pop-up when right-clicking on one of the layers. I have attached a screenshot that shows the short cut popup I used.

    Is there an easier way of doing this? Again, my goal is to get all the images aligned the same and then save them as individual images, JPEGs hopefully. Layers seem to be my way to do the alignments since I can put up a set of guides to align the images individually. As for the cropping problems on export, I am unsure of what is going on but maybe it will go away once I am successful at moving them to the JPEG format.


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    Last edited by Thlayle; 3rd September 2019 at 05:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

    Have you tried to process Multiple Files on Import? You can do some simple edits (sharpen, contrast, resize, levels) upon importing.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

    For any repetitive commands, I will use an Action.

    Simply record the steps you are using and play the action any time you need a sequence of commands run on an image.

  4. #4
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

    Thanks, Dan.

    Does that involve starting from PS? So far, I am still starting all batch imports in LR. But I may get there someday. As I mentioned, I am still more comfortable with LR, and I happen to do pretty well with the whole DAM concept/approach.

    Also, does that allow cropping that will allow easy effort at uniform alignment? That was one of my concerns/aims with this particular project.

    I don't even know where/how to access the Multiple Files on Import. Can you point to it easily?

  5. #5
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

    Thanks, Manfred. I still have not explored the Action feature. I will have to look into it. It sounds promising.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Batch Processing Layers as Images in Photoshop CC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thlayle View Post
    Thanks, Dan.

    Does that involve starting from PS? So far, I am still starting all batch imports in LR. But I may get there someday. As I mentioned, I am still more comfortable with LR, and I happen to do pretty well with the whole DAM concept/approach.

    Also, does that allow cropping that will allow easy effort at uniform alignment? That was one of my concerns/aims with this particular project.

    I don't even know where/how to access the Multiple Files on Import. Can you point to it easily?

    It should be under the File Menu, "Process Multiple files".

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