Originally Posted by
Geoff F
Too big a subject to tackle in one image, David.
I find that it is better to concentrate on just a few flowers; although sometimes it is possible to include more of the whole plant/plants gradually fading into the distance.
Virtually impossible to get everything well focused when suitably close to show any detail. Exposure is another tricky problem with so many different individual flowers giving different light angles. So you end up with some parts in shadow with others being over exposed; particularly when shooting in sunshine.
I have tried this sort of thing many times, using a tripod and around F11 to F16, but I have very few successful images to show for my efforts. Bluebells are a subject which I try every year but I have had very little success. My best results have been when there was another main subject item and the flowers were just a background so I could get a bit of distance between my camera and subject with a fairly narrow aperture to improve focus depth.