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I think that style is ugly. It reminds me of overexposed slides.
Trendy doesn't necessarily make for aesthetically pleasing, but there is no arguing over taste.
Douglas Stinson, a fine art photographer, wrote what I think is a nice condemnation of the trendiness in the fine art photography world. I assume he didn't mean it to be a condemnation because it is in an article in which he disparages what he calls the "camera club aesthetic." He wrote:
He says this leads to creativity. As an example, he includes an out of focus black and white image of a line of urinals, which he characterizes as "playing with repetition, light, and shadow".
It's a pity, because buried in this nonsense is an important point: in some club competitions, technical competence is often the primary focus, and some could use more emphasis on creativity. There could be more emphasis on creating one's own unique style.