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Thread: At the night market

  1. #21
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: At the night market

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    An epitome:


    Not street photography, but a technically bad (for well known historical reasons; the lab totally blew developing the film).

    Regardless, an extremely strong emotional impact...

  2. #22
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: At the night market

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    Bill, I think you are misrepresenting what I said and certainly what I meant. There is a lot of skill in getting a good photograph on the street. It is partly picking the moment and predicting what might happen so that you are in the right place. Then when you are there the conditions are often not ideal and you might have to cope with lighting that is not ideal and elements in the scene that you would prefer not to be there, so that getting the technically correct image is often a challenge. Among the street photographers that I have been with, it is considered not appropriate to control the scene in any way, just accept it as it is. There is a lot of skill in selecting a scene that will be interesting and finding the right point of view and framing but you are relying on the scene to exist.
    Thank you for your response.

    I was not misrepresenting what you wrote.

    The meaning of the first sentence of Post #18, is clear, to me: the paragraph is well constructed with that lead sentence acting as the definitive of the argument's premise, text book style, as we were taught to construct any well managed written argument.

    Misunderstanding what you meant, however, is a different kettle of kippers.

    (to me) Your Post #20 conveys a much different meaning to the meaning of your Post #18.

    I believe that I now understand exactly what you mean, (and originally meant) and I see no need to discuss further - thanks again for taking the time to expand and explain.

    Last edited by William W; 4th February 2020 at 06:01 AM.

  3. #23
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: At the night market

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Not street photography, . . .
    [CAPA'S IMAGE] . . .
    Aside -

    Manfred, I'd usually issue a wide berth when it comes to 'categories' . . . but I am not a Librarian and whilst I appreciate the genius of that man Melvil Dewey, I get an headache thinking about how he was thinking about allowing for slots of things that had not yet been thought about . . .

    I reckon, that, for the sake of general discussion -

    'War Photography' is just 'Street Photography' on a different Street.


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