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Thread: Photographer at the Luna New Year

  1. #1

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    Photographer at the Luna New Year

    We went to the Luna New Year event hoping to get some images. I took about 300 and yes all grab shots. Out of the total I managed to salvage 110 and out of that I have a grand total of 5 images as keepers. Did try to get into good positions. C&C most welcome.

    Photographer at the Luna New YearPhotograper at the Luna New Year by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Photographer at the Luna New Year

    This time, I think you did get into a good position, and the smoke eliminated any chance of a distracting background.

    I do have one suggestion: Make the photographer stand out more from the smoky rest of the photo. I did local adjustments, adding both midtone contrast and local contrast to the photographer. Would something along these lines be better?

    Photographer at the Luna New Year

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Photographer at the Luna New Year

    I hate to admit that I gave in to my wife's fears. We were scheduled to attend the Luna New Year Parade in Los Angeles.

    However, my wife opted out due to a litter of puppies that are just beginning to walk (stagger) around the puppy pen. Someone needs to check on the pups frequently.

    My wife was fearful about the chance of Corona Virus being present at the New Year Parade, thinking that someone attending the parade might have traveled to Wuhan and contracted the virus. he asked me not to go either. Since she was so afraid, I decided that I would not attend the parade.

    BTW: She almost died from a case of Hong Kong Flu when it was prevalent in the late sixties to early seventies. So, I know where she is coming from!

    Happy Wife = Happy Life.

    I'd love to see some of your images...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 4th February 2020 at 04:09 AM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Photographer at the Luna New Year

    Ole - how are your lungs after breathing all that smoke? Shots taken in smoking, hazy or foggy conditions are something I find challenging to deal with. You've pulled off a reasonably successful image here. The smoke is very effective in eliminating a busy background and the gaze of the photographer directs the viewer to your subject. The crop is a touch tight, but still works. Dan's edit helps.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Photographer at the Luna New Year

    Nicely captured, a bit tight on the crop but a keeper.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Photographer at the Luna New Year

    Here is the amended image. Better I hope.

    Photographer at the Luna New YearPhotographer at the Luna New Year 2 by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

  7. #7
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Photographer at the Luna New Year

    I read this conversation after I had replied to your other request fr C&C (The Night Market images), an immediate thought came to my mind:

    Compare this image to the image of the woman with a bottle on her head - do you notice how much stronger is the Main Subject in this image.

    'The Photographer', even though you are positioned behind him and at the expression on HIS Face is hidden, we can glean some motive and intent from his hands and the direction of his head - this is enhanced because there is an internal connection to the Secondary Subject and also to the Scene as a whole.


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