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Thread: Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

  1. #1

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    Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

    Hi, Just a carry on from a previous thread about monitors.
    I have a 28" one
    Just wonder what size screen is to small and what is to big for photo editing.
    For those who thought it was about something else 'Shame on You'

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

    I use a 27" monitor and find it ample. I've never tried anything larger, however.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

    Like Dan, my main working screen is 27". I could certainly see working on a 24" but would not want to get any smaller than that.

    Size is less of an issue than quality. AdobeRGB compatibility (something I find very useful as someone who prints a lot), 1000:1 contrast ratio and a screen hood are the three features I find most useful. I would not sacrifice any of those for a larger screen.

  4. #4

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    Re: Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

    Russell, I have a 27" screen, and probably would not go larger. I find the viewing distance sitting before it is about right and I can display an A3 image 'life size'. I have a suspicion that going larger would be uncomfortable (for me).

    I would also back up Manfred's point about screen quality... I too print a lot of my images.

  5. #5

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    Re: Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

    Another thought does come to mind since you mentioned photo editing. My own view is that being able to see the image near intended life size is fine, but of course viewing distance is also a factor, hence my point about 27 inch being big enough for me.

    But, I also run two other screens. Both these are older 24 in models and compared to my main screen inferior, only capable of displaying about 75% of the Adobe RGB 1998 colour space. (As opposed to 99.9% for my main monitor. )

    I use Photoshop CC and I use one of the secondary screens to placeall the action pallettes etc away from the image I'm working on, rather than have them cluttering my view. The 3rd screen I have set up in portrait mode, mostly for 'reading' and Web use, though on occasion I drop a portrait image I'm working on because it want to see it near life size!

    Going for a larger screen would (in my case) mean losing both side screens, with no real benefit to the way I work!

    I've included a quick image of my desktop below ... with ever dependable CiC's on screen to the right

    Do you or your partner think bigger is better?Desktop

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Do you or your partner think bigger is better?

    I also use a BENQ 27-inch monitor and find it quite ample but, would not want anything smaller. I use it in a single monitor setup. I had dual monitors previously but, the single monitor seems just fine.
    Do you or your partner think bigger is better?
    One thing is missing in the above image. Whenever I am sitting at my workstation, I always have at least one (sometimes two) of my dogs in the bed beneath the desk...
    The wooden cabinet beneath the computer desk stores most of my cameras and lenses plus accessories.

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