Originally Posted by
Geoff F
This is a bit of a complex subject, Bill.
I use both methods for my macro shots. Most, over 200 per day at this time of the year, are with TC.
Can we assume you are using a top quality TC and not one of those cut price jobs?
A TC does add extra glass and the less magnification you use, the better the results. But often, the difference is marginal. I do notice a reduction in contrast but that can be easily fixed during editing.
An ET allows you to get closer to your subject, hence a larger subject image. But while that is fine with static subjects it is a different matter with live nervous insects, etc. So for 'in the field' shots of live insects where I consider that I am doing well if I can get as close as 12 inches and many shots have to be over 2 feet, I use the TC.
I work with a Sigma 180 macro lens and most shots use flash in some form. Nearly always using a tripod. Shooting to insect identification quality on everything which comes my way for site recording work.