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Thread: grazing the Field

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    grazing the Field

    grazing the FieldRSF_5799 edited by Raymond Friedman, on Flickr
    pic #2
    grazing the FieldRSF_5778 edited by Raymond Friedman, on Flickr
    Both captured from the car ,thus the bottom distortion

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: grazing the Field

    How that blue tint appeared towards the bottom, i wonder!!! is that an intensional inclusion of some effects? The effect is visible mildly in the first and dominantly in the second....

  3. #3

    Re: grazing the Field

    For me the major issue in the first pic is the placement of the subject. The eye is almost central which does not give a sense of balance. I would suggest a crop of the bottom and left so that the eye ends up on the lower left thirds intersection. The result, to my eye, gets rid of the sense of the deer sort of poking itself in from the top right hand corner, you end up with a much more intimate connection to the subject. The crop also serves to get rid of the annoying blue tinge. To my eye the second suffers the same compositional problem, the eye sits almost on the centre line. A crop of the right and bottom to put the eye on the lower right thirds intersection would, I believe, improve the composition. Unfortunately it would not resolve the blue haze on the bottom which, in this case, probably kills the pic.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: grazing the Field

    Wavelenght this was shot from the car the blue tint is a result of the influence from the door/window.

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