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Thread: The Machinist

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    The Machinist

    I'm working on a small project with a local precision machine shop primarily looking at the diversity of the employees in modern manufacturing industry in Ottawa. Not all work is done in China. This shop makes components for precision medical equipment, the aerospace industry, etc.

    I was in doing a test shoot today and this is one of the images from that shoot. The plan is to be back again next week to shoot more people.

    The Machinist

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    One of the few images that you have ever posted that I am not very keen on... I think that it is the expression on the young lad's face; like "What are you doing interrupting my work?"

  3. #3
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    Whilst technically good, for me it shows that the lad is stood with his hand on a lathe tool-post. What I find missing is something that shows that he is actually 'manufacturing' anything.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    Actually it is not a lad, it's a young woman and the expression is something I hope to duplicate with the other subjects I will be photographing. That "look" is quite in fashion in the post-photographic genre; basically emotionless.

    The machine itself has all kinds of safety devices that hide the actual work piece from shown, so it's actually impossible to see what is being machined on this machine. That seems to be a very common feature of modern computer controlled lathes and turning centres. I am hoping to get some actual work piece when I photograph the milling centres next week or the week after.

  5. #5
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    Doesn't work for me either. I agree with Grahame and Richard.

    The "look" may be in fashion, but that doesn't mean it adds anythng worthwhile to the image. I also find the whole thing too scattered and the (camera) left arm takes you out of the picture rather than in to something interesting.

  6. #6

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    Re: The Machinist

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    ...the expression is something I hope to duplicate with the other subjects I will be photographing. That "look" is quite in fashion in the post-photographic genre; basically emotionless.
    I have become accustomed to seeing emotionless, unsmiling fashion models in the Sunday supplements, and I can to some extent understand that designers just want a body to hang their clothes on that does not take attention from their products. But in this case the subject looks almost comtemptuous of the viewer and shows no interest in the work she is doing or any wish to be there. So I am surprised that this is a look that you will be seeking to duplicate. If I were the owner of the business I would not be welcoming you back Manfred, however technically good the image is! The marketing director would never recover from the shock.

    Overall there is nothing in the image that grabs my attention or interest. I vote to bring back a celebration of engineering and machinists.

  7. #7
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    Interesting conversation thus far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    . . . I'm working on a small project with a local precision machine shop primarily looking at the diversity of the employees in modern manufacturing industry in Ottawa. . .
    Whilst it is only one image, the image does show diversity of employees in modern manufacturing: diversity from how I envisioned those employees.


  8. #8

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    Re: The Machinist

    In my view, she did not achieve the look. She looks like a kid who was just scolded. These photos will be used in some way to promote the company, too, influence its audience. How do you want your audience to respond? Knowing the audience and how they are likely to respond is paramount.

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    I have to agree with the others. This doesn't work for me. I would title it "young person sulking next to a machine." That an expressionless pose is fashionable in some quarters doesn't make this image any more interesting or appealing.

    It would be more interesting if it showed her doing whatever she actually does, and it would be better yet if it captured her natural expression while doing it.

    Leaving aside the quality of the image in isolation, I would have a question similar to Daniel's. What does the company want to project? I have no way to know, of course, but I have a hunch it might not be "we have a diversity of employees who are obviously unhappy being in our factory." That's what this one conveys to me.

  10. #10
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    Re: The Machinist

    Hi, my first post here!

    Technically a good photo. But for me, the machine doesn't occupy the amount of space it should. Something big, metallic (and hopefully dirty) should have been there.

  11. #11

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    Re: The Machinist

    Quote Originally Posted by RohanG View Post
    Hi, my first post here!

    Technically a good photo. But for me, the machine doesn't occupy the amount of space it should. Something big, metallic (and hopefully dirty) should have been there.
    Hello Rohan: Welcome to the forum. Daniel

  12. #12
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    While I don't comment often on Manfred's images (because he's far more advanced than I am), I will have to say this one does not work for me. The face in particular looks soft (to me) and the only real emotion I see in her is one of being really annoyed and or pissed off at being photographed. It isn't even emotionless to me, it feels almost staged. It just doesn't draw me in, or have me wonder about her work and her life.

  13. #13
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    I am honestly confused by some of the commentary and the assumptions contained therein.

    Clearly the OP states the Brief of this series of images is: "primarily looking at the diversity of the employees in modern manufacturing industry in Ottawa".

    Ergo: the Machinists will be the Main Subject in each image and the diversity of Machinists will be shown both intrinsic to each image and by comparisons and contrasts within the series of Images: if you like, this series as defined is a series of Environmental Portraiture, thus the Machines and the Factory Surrounds typically would be included in shot to support the main Subject, not to overpower the main Subject.

    Also stated:"I'm working on a small project with a local precision machine shop . . ." the "with" refers to "the [act of] working on a project" and not to "the [ownership of] the project", thus, it doesn't necessarily mean the machine shop will either have access to any images, nor the use of them.

    The OP clearly contains the Artist's Statement (of intent) and in my opinion when such is provided it behoves any commentary and critique to reflect and respond to same, and/or to seek clarification, where necessary.

    Last edited by William W; 16th August 2020 at 01:08 AM.

  14. #14

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    Re: The Machinist

    I think Bill has a valid point. Manfred has a vision for this project. Who am I to judge it. I am lookig forward to seeing more. I only have one question. Is there any plans for a group photo, everyone with the look including the boss? Its growing on me. I think it could be awsome.

  15. #15
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    The machine itself has all kinds of safety devices that hide the actual work piece from shown, so it's actually impossible to see what is being machined on this machine. That seems to be a very common feature of modern computer controlled lathes and turning centres. I am hoping to get some actual work piece when I photograph the milling centres next week or the week after.
    I understand the difficulty Manfred. If it fits in with the 'theme' placing the component within view or even the person holding it could be an option.

  16. #16
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    .....the expression is something I hope to duplicate with the other subjects I will be photographing. That "look" is quite in fashion in the post-photographic genre; basically emotionless.
    How sad.


  17. #17

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    Re: The Machinist

    So everyone came to this image with ideas about how a machinist should look, and how a photographer should represent a machinist and have had those expectations severely challenged. Congratulations, Manfred.

    A couple of points about this test shot that might bear watching when you do the actual shoot:
    - the brightly coloured buttons behind the head are distracting.
    - the angle the right arm above the elbow makes with the shirt body is quite acute and seems a bit odd.

    I will be interested to see how you interpret diversity - gender, age, race, politics? As everyone (including me) mistook this person for a male, it seems you have androgyny covered Or perhaps she is a victim of marxist gender ideology.

  18. #18

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    Re: The Machinist

    Quote Originally Posted by FootLoose View Post
    I will be interested to see how you interpret diversity - gender, age, race, politics? As everyone (including me) mistook this person for a male, it seems you have androgyny covered Or perhaps she is a victim of marxist gender ideology.

    I looked up "diversity" with respect to employees on the web and found it to be both complex and politically important - with a particular website handing out "brownie" points based on it to Companies.

    So, perhaps Manfred should only be taking instruction from the Company involved in the project.

    From my earlier career, placing a hand on any part of a machine (other than it's controls) was considered risky, switched on or not.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 17th August 2020 at 03:15 PM.

  19. #19
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: The Machinist

    One thing I noticed at once is what I suppose to be a red and yellow alarm button, near her right eye.

    Technically the photograph is perfect. I would even say it is too perfect.

    Perhaps this very shot could be improved doing some light tricks in software...

    She is bored either by her own work or for being photographed.

    Cheers !

  20. #20

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    Re: The Machinist

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    One thing I noticed at once is what I suppose to be a red and yellow alarm button, near her right eye.

    Technically the photograph is perfect. I would even say it is too perfect.

    Perhaps this very shot could be improved doing some light tricks in software...
    It was said that this was just one of several test shots, not posted as a Final Image.

    She is bored either by her own work or for being photographed.
    Perhaps the alarm button is not what it appears to be and she is not happy about being Assimilated:

    The Machinist

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