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Thread: Two Photos

  1. #1

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    Two Photos

    I took these two yesterday. Thoughts and comments welcomed. Daniel

    [IMG]Two Photos_1100192 (5) by pongo now, on Flickr[/IMG]

    [IMG]Two Photos_1100195 (3) by pongo now, on Flickr[/IMG]

  2. #2

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    Re: Two Photos

    What was your intention, Daniel? Both look somewhat sombre; but nothing wrong with that if it is what you wanted. Otherwise, possibly a little bit more highlight brightness would add more 'sparkle' to the scenes.

    The first one is a somewhat confused scene but I can't suggest anything to change that appearance, although a very slight crop from the left side and top might give a fraction more importance to the woman.

    With the second one; I might try cropping the top to give something like a 3 x 2 ratio and lose a bit of the top distraction?

  3. #3

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    Re: Two Photos

    Thank you Geoff. I should have spent more time with these before posting. This is another version. I was attracted to the pattern and waited for a passerby. The second one I adjusted with the photo editor that came on my computer. They are a bit somber. The city can be that way at times... I like your crop suggestion for the second image.

    [IMG]Two PhotosPandemic by pongo now, on Flickr[/IMG]

  4. #4

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by escape View Post
    Two Photos
    The first one is a little bothersome, seemingly loaded with artifacts, see red arrows; some sort of vertical split in the middle, see green arrows; -and fairly extreme halos on all the edges.

    Two Photos

    "apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, ...".
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 19th November 2020 at 08:21 PM.

  5. #5
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Two Photos

    I like the first and do not find it particularly sombre. In fact I the tonal range rather appeals to me.

    The second image does seem a bit sombre. However the main problem for me is there is no obvious point of interest. e.g. You have not conveyed to me the reason you took it. I don't need a story from a photo but I do like to have a clue as to what may have grabbed the photographers attention.

  6. #6
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Two Photos

    I really like the first one. The same colours of the coat, cycle, and segment of the poster draw my eye around the scene.

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    I really like the first one. The same colours of the coat, cycle, and segment of the poster draw my eye around the scene.
    Oops, it's a poster background! Please ignore my earlier comments, duh, I should have noticed the repeating pattern, double-duh.

  8. #8
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Two Photos

    The first image is good.
    The idea is excellent.

    Noted that you are locted in NYC and that you made the image yesterday - it says loud and clear “walking in a pandemic”.



    I liked this image enough to interrogate the largest version posted on Flickr.

    What I think as good and well done elements:
    The choice of the background as a patterned yet chaotic palette
    The inclusion of the locked-up bicycle
    Waiting for the Subject
    The tri-tonal effect
    The (right) hand position of the Subject

    What I think needs improving:
    The edges are over sharpened
    The bicycle is cropped poorly, just clipping the seat
    The white vertical just clips the Subject

    What I think you might think further about:
    The feet position of the Subject

    In that position of the gait, the Subject is resigned, having almost completed the step: good if that is the message that you want to convey.

    On the other hand if you want to convey the message of moving through the pandemic you will need to make the critical moment where one foot is advancing, preferably the foreground foot.


  9. #9

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    Re: Two Photos

    The first one is very interesting

  10. #10

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    Re: Two Photos

    Well, my take, Daniel, is that the first is very interesting and well worth pursuing because the essential features are there, the second .........! But you have followed one of the best rules of photography - take lots of pics (and experiment!).

    I think that the bicycle adds something worthwhile, providing balance and context. However it does add to the clutter. My suggestion is to crop so that the gear wheel does not show. This leaves in the whitish upright on the left of the mural, which is part of the balance. The area of the peep hole to see the construction happening behind is a great idea in the real world, but in this particular situation is an eye snag, particularly since it interrupts the whitish upright. So, I have suggested cloning to make it disappear - you will get an idea from my rough demonstration using the marvellous Affinity Photo. Any defects are mine and not the program's.

    An observation, Daniel, I am very struck about the fact that her coat, hat and bag are all the same colour, was that really the case ?? If so, it seems to me that was pure serendipity! Maybe you have manipulated the pic, then if so, I applaud your decision!

    Two Photos
    Last edited by Jim A; 20th November 2020 at 04:26 AM.

  11. #11

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    Re: Two Photos

    Thank you all for your comments. It's alot for me to think about. I will be responding to each of your comments as the day goes on. This is the original unedited image.

    [IMG]Two Photos_1100192 by pongo now, on Flickr[/IMG]

  12. #12

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    I like the first and do not find it particularly sombre. In fact I the tonal range rather appeals to me.

    The second image does seem a bit sombre. However the main problem for me is there is no obvious point of interest. e.g. You have not conveyed to me the reason you took it. I don't need a story from a photo but I do like to have a clue as to what may have grabbed the photographers attention.
    Paul, I appreciate your que\stion regarding the second photo. It caused me to think more deeply about what attracted me to the scene. I named these Two photos because I had trouble naming them. The first I could have named Pandemic, but I thought that would be too obvious. The second photo because of its nature I found it difficult to name. That leaves it open to the viewer. I think the most important thing is how does it make you feel.
    In some ways, the second photo of the closed down carousel supports the first photo. So much of life is like a carousel. Looking at it vailed by a plastic shroud reflects the times.
    [IMG]Two Photos_1100196 by pongo now, on Flickr[/IMG]

  13. #13

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Oops, it's a poster background! Please ignore my earlier comments, duh, I should have noticed the repeating pattern, double-duh.
    Ted, I knew that the two small ones were stickers. I was baffled by the large one until (Jim A) identified it as a cutout.

  14. #14

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    I really like the first one. The same colours of the coat, cycle, and segment of the poster draw my eye around the scene.
    Thank you, Peter. I just chose a filter that appealed to me. I also thought of highlighting the colors as you see them in the original.

  15. #15

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    The first image is good.
    The idea is excellent.

    Noted that you are locted in NYC and that you made the image yesterday - it says loud and clear “walking in a pandemic”.



    I liked this image enough to interrogate the largest version posted on Flickr.

    What I think as good and well done elements:
    The choice of the background as a patterned yet chaotic palette
    The inclusion of the locked-up bicycle
    Waiting for the Subject
    The tri-tonal effect
    The (right) hand position of the Subject

    What I think needs improving:
    The edges are over sharpened
    The bicycle is cropped poorly, just clipping the seat
    The white vertical just clips the Subject

    What I think you might think further about:
    The feet position of the Subject

    In that position of the gait, the Subject is resigned, having almost completed the step: good if that is the message that you want to convey.

    On the other hand if you want to convey the message of moving through the pandemic you will need to make the critical moment where one foot is advancing, preferably the foreground foot.

    Thank you Bill. I was going to name it Pandemic but it just seemed so unimaginative. You pointed out things that I did not consider. Like the locked bicycle. The gate is something I never considered before taking a photo. I posted a picture not too long ago I called Heel to Toe that focused on the walker's gate. Such shots have always been accidental. That will be something I will start to take into consideration. Again, many thanks. Daniel

  16. #16

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    Well, my take, Daniel, is that the first is very interesting and well worth pursuing because the essential features are there, the second .........! But you have followed one of the best rules of photography - take lots of pics (and experiment!).

    I think that the bicycle adds something worthwhile, providing balance and context. However it does add to the clutter. My suggestion is to crop so that the gear wheel does not show. This leaves in the whitish upright on the left of the mural, which is part of the balance. The area of the peep hole to see the construction happening behind is a great idea in the real world, but in this particular situation is an eye snag, particularly since it interrupts the whitish upright. So, I have suggested cloning to make it disappear - you will get an idea from my rough demonstration using the marvellous Affinity Photo. Any defects are mine and not the program's.

    An observation, Daniel, I am very struck about the fact that her coat, hat and bag are all the same colour, was that really the case ?? If so, it seems to me that was pure serendipity! Maybe you have manipulated the pic, then if so, I applaud your decision!

    Two Photos
    Jim A, I like your crop. I thought it looked a bit cluttered. When I did scale it down I thought the opening was even more distracting. Didn't think about removing it. As far as the coloring it came from a filter. Your response was very much appreciated.

  17. #17

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    Re: Two Photos

    Thank you Peter and Rob for looking and commenting. Always appreciated. Daniel

  18. #18
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Two Photos

    I also vote for number 1, I like the image a lot. The lady looks to be deep in thought, and I wonder what she is contemplating. I don't mind that it's a bit sombre, it's a perfect image for today's world.
    I also agree that the bicycle adds to the photograph, yet I'm not sure why but I like that it's there. I think it provides context to the scene, meaning she's walking down a street deep in thought. Without the bicycle, I may not know exactly where she's walking.

  19. #19

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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by lovelife65 View Post
    I also vote for number 1, I like the image a lot. The lady looks to be deep in thought, and I wonder what she is contemplating. I don't mind that it's a bit sombre, it's a perfect image for today's world.
    I also agree that the bicycle adds to the photograph, yet I'm not sure why but I like that it's there. I think it provides context to the scene, meaning she's walking down a street deep in thought. Without the bicycle, I may not know exactly where she's walking.
    Thank you Sharon. To add to your description, she also appears to have her arm in a sling. Wounded perhaps?

  20. #20
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Two Photos

    Quote Originally Posted by escape View Post
    . . .This is the original unedited image. . .
    Thanks for providing the original whole frame.

    My eye immediately saw this story as fitting perfectly into the common 'widescreen' 16:9 Aspect Ratio.

    Consider that, when working on this shot, which you already have:

    Two Photos


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