Would it be practicable to:
a) have a number of lamps that can be variously switched off and on to vary the incident lux or,
b) have a set of diffusers that can vary the incident lux or,
c) vary the distance of the lamp from the print or,
d) mount an aperture of some sort betwixt the lamp and the print?
As to diffusers, one assumes they wouldn't affect the radiant spectrum much and of course won't catch fire, LOL. How about stacking tracing paper?
Also, instead of diffusing, how about spreading the light (e.g through a lens) so as to increase the solid angle of the beam thereby reducing the incident lux.
If the only levels of concern are in the order of 200 - 250 lux or in the order of 100 - 150 lux, two lamps of appropriate lumens would do it - or, if they are sorta point sources, the same lamps at different distances per c) above.
Please pardon the technical response - which I realize "most people" may not get ...