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Thread: Portrait B&W

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Chile South America
    Real Name
    Javier Ramirez

    Portrait B&W

    Portrait B&W

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ottawa, Canada
    Real Name
    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Portrait B&W

    Another very well done image, Javier. There are a few minor distractions, but nothing really significant.

    The only thing I might question is your lighting setup. In a two light setup like you used here, we typically have more light coming from the light source that is up higher, in this case, the light on the camera left side and less light coming from the light that is set lower. You have done the opposite here and that creates some strange shadows, especially in those areas of the neck / throat below your model's chin.

    The main reason for that lighting approach is it tends to accentuate the cheek bones, which sculpts the face and fills the shadows below the chin.

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