For various reasons - mainly the fast burst capability - I bought a D500 body to add to the trusty D810. We are currently in lockdown and the weather's not been great so I had to make do with a walk through the local park and its surrounding wooded area and take what ever turned up.
A bit frustrating in regard to the opportunities that presented themselves - a group of 5 deer that didn't want to play fair, and some rooks hard at work on nest renovations, but at least I got something to kick things off.
1: The best I could get with the deer. In addition to the new body I had a first time go at shooting on manual aperture and shutter with auto ISO, rather than aperture priority and tweaking the ISO to give the desired shutter speed.
2: The ravens. Not the most photogenic birds but I quite liked the ones where the green foliage has been caught against the black body - absolutely a win for the D500's burst mode.