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I agree that the image is soft. There is no EXIF, but I'm guessing that some of the issue might be depth of field. In any case, it looks like a capture issue, not a processing issue.
Re processing: one issue may be that in "normal" mode, contrast and saturation are linked. If you boost contrast (or clarity in Lightroom or ACR, which includes a dose of midtone contrast), you increase saturation. In this particular case, increasing contrast will provide more color contrast in the core of the image because of the increased saturation, which may be a plus, depending on your taste. But it also will increase the tonality difference between the hot spots and dark shadows, which Manfred mentioned. Notice that he darkened the bright areas on the right edge, which I would have done as well--to avoid having a bright area draw the eye out of the image.
The bottom lines, IMHO, are these:
1. With an image like this, crisp focus is essentional. That may require a tripod and sufficient depth of field.
2. With an image like this, controlling saturation and tonality separately is important. There are various ways of doing this, for example, by adding local burning and dodging.