I have sRGB profile 16 bit TIFF images. When I open them in my (ancient CS2) version of Photoshop and turn on soft proofing (correct paper set, 'preserve RGB numbers' ticked, 'simulate paper color' ticked) the image darkens considerably. It doesn't darken if I UNtick 'preserve RGB number's but experience shows the darkened 'preserve RGB numbers' view is a fair reflection of what comes out of my printer so that's the option I use, so I can judge how to get a better print.
However, if in Photoshop I change the mode from RGB Color to LAB Color and then turn on soft proofing (correct paper set, simulate paper color ticked) there is hardly any change in the way the image appears. Before I start 'wasting' paper learning how an image in LAB Color mode actually turns out as a print, is this difference in what I'm seeing on screen between this mode and 'RGB Color + preserve RGB numbers' to be expected?