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Thread: Early rangefinder style MILC?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Real Name
    Max Hellwig

    Early rangefinder style MILC?

    I have a nerdy question about a camera I saw in a series.
    The episode is from 2011 and the camera looks to be a rangefinder style mirrorless digital camera, with the viewfinder to the side of the camera and without opening to the front as well as no visible mirror housing.
    Also the mount diameter is quite large, so it might even be medium format.
    I can't quite read what it says on the front, but the type doesn't look like any brand I know.

    All this seems quite unusual and made me very curious as to what type it might be. Does anyone here have a clue?
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  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Early rangefinder style MILC?

    I've moved your posting to the Digital Cameras & Equipment thread; you are more likely to get an answer here.

    Panasonic, Sony, FujiFilm and of course Leica have made cameras with that type of styling. I suspect other companies had some out as well

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Max Hellwig

    Re: Early rangefinder style MILC?

    Ah, thanks, Manfred!
    It's definitely not Fuji and I think the font doesn't look like the others corporate identity either. The thing that puzzles me most is the year, Fuji's GFX 50R for example was released seven years later

  4. #4
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Early rangefinder style MILC?

    Looks to me like an Olympus four-thirds dSLR body. The Olympus E300, maybe?

    Not really a mirrorless camera, since the depth of the body, body design, and the date sort of exclude that. In 2011, the Fuji X system didn't yet exist (only the X100 was out at that point), Sony only had its first generation of E-mount (NEX3, NEX5), and micro four-thirds bodies, both Olympus and Panasonic, looked really different from that.

  5. #5
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Early rangefinder style MILC?

    I think Kathy is on the right track: try Olympus E330.

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  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2018
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    Max Hellwig

    Re: Early rangefinder style MILC?

    Thanks guys! I actually thought it might say e-130 on the front, pretty close
    I kinda figured it wouldn't be a mirrorless camera, considering the year, but missing both prism housing and the rangefinder "exit window" confused me. Turns out it's a pretty nifty and unusal construction. Interesting design for sure

    Thank you all again for your input!

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