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Thread: Alina...from Russia with love

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Javier Ramirez

    Alina...from Russia with love

    Alina...from Russia with love

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Peter Schluter

    Re: Alina...from Russia with love

    I like it. Perhaps her left eye and cheek is a little dark, but a very bold image.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Alina...from Russia with love

    I agree with Peter, open up the left eye a bit. Not too much though.
    Cheers Ole

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Alina...from Russia with love

    Another strong concept, but I am again not sure that the lighting is working as well as your model deserves.

    Hats with brims are often challenging to photograph. The brims are designed to prevent light from overhead falling onto the subject's face and especially the eyes. The hat is doing what it is supposed to, but that is not what the photographer wants, as we can see by Peter and Ole's comments. You need to introduce some fill light from below; the simplest approach is what I mentioned on your previous image; a white reflector, just out of frame pushing light back into those shadow areas. A second studio light, with appropriate modifier will work as well.

    I'm also not convinced that the positioning of the model's hand in front of her face is working all that well. The way it is positioned and lit, it is the brightest area near the face and draws the viewer's eye to it. The face is generally what is most important here and not the hand. As a general rule,the hand should be on the side of the face that is farthest from the camera; that reduces its impact and if well placed can enhance the shot.

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