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Thread: Firmware update help needed Sony A7iv

  1. #1

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    Firmware update help needed Sony A7iv

    I need help please!
    I get this every time I try to update the firmware.
    I wouldn't even be concerned except every time I go to shoot, my presets change on 123.
    I've reset everything back to default settings and it still won't update.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Firmware update help needed Sony A7iv20231007_141018 by jk Sullivan, on Flickr
    Firmware update help needed Sony A7iv20231007_143539 by jk Sullivan, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Firmware update help needed Sony A7iv

    I don't know how Sony does this, but the error message seems to suggest that you have not downloaded the updated firmware onto a memory card that needs to be installed in the camera.

    When I update my Nikon cameras, I use a cleanly formated card and download the new drivers onto the card and put it in the camera. The firmware updater checks for this and if everything is "clean" it installs the new firmware.

    Check with the update instructions. If the file is compressed, you may have to "unzip" it before writing it to the memory card. It is possible that one specific memory slot has to be used. In the past, some of my updates had to be placed in a specific directory on the card.

  3. #3

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    Re: Firmware update help needed Sony A7iv

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I don't know how Sony does this, but the error message seems to suggest that you have not downloaded the updated firmware onto a memory card that needs to be installed in the camera.

    When I update my Nikon cameras, I use a cleanly formated card and download the new drivers onto the card and put it in the camera. The firmware updater checks for this and if everything is "clean" it installs the new firmware.

    Check with the update instructions. If the file is compressed, you may have to "unzip" it before writing it to the memory card. It is possible that one specific memory slot has to be used. In the past, some of my updates had to be placed in a specific directory on the card.
    Got it!
    There was a similar file name from a previous firmware update. When I downloaded this newer update it added a file number to the new downloaded firmware. I had to go into the computer, find the old firmware update and delete it.
    Seems to be installing the newer update now.
    Last edited by jkshyt; 8th October 2023 at 08:13 PM.

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