The second one.
I like the water droplets on the first one and the fact that the whole of the bird's head is in view. However, in the second one the whole bird very sharp (the tips of the wings are blurred in the first one). We can see every feather. Also, the patterns on the water contribute to the overall impact.
ok! sold out! (the 2nd)
thanks Donald , i'm a faithful of your doctrine!
Got this guy in my back yard around Christmas. That is a frozen lake behind him, in a snowstorm, so all of the white is natural. The only PP I did was levels and curves.
Last edited by tameigh; 7th January 2011 at 01:42 AM. Reason: Add plug for my blog
These are all great shots. Well done.
Hi Cheri,
Given the game of chase you had with it, I guess I can understand why you chose this crop.
You have a decent sized image there and viewed large, the foreground (very blurred) leafery (hey I made a new word) on the right is a bit off putting. I would be tempted to crop into a protrait format and tone down the foreground highlight would be more prominent then.
I have yet to capture a woodpecker, so well done for persevering
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 7th January 2011 at 05:09 PM.