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Thread: Exif tool for Tiff

  1. #1

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    Exif tool for Tiff

    I'm looking for a way to add Exif data back into an image, after it has been processed by something that discards it.

    I'm using Oloneo for HDR, and it does an excellent job very quickly. The trouble is that it strips out the Exif data making lens-specific corrections difficult. I've tried a few from "out there" but no joy thus far.



  2. #2

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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    You're right. I didn't realise myself as generally for me I don't use or consult the exif at all. Probing the depths of hdr tiffs and standard tiffs with an editor and there is certainly a lot of data missing. Some things like shutter speed, aperture and colour space would be irrelevant for hdr anyway but lens data and even camera data ... perhaps.
    All the exif is in XML format so it shouldn't be too hard to copy and paste from one to the other but who needs that ?
    Option one I guess would be to do the lens correction in whatever RAW editor you use and import the resultant tiffs into the hdr software ready corrected.
    Option two carry on searching the web for something.
    Option three write something that picks up the data from the original .dng or tiff (RAW data is too encoded to make sense of in an editor) and copies it into the hdr.
    The geek side of me is going for option three, my practical side is opting for option 1.
    If I ever take on option three with any results I'll let you know

  3. #3

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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    I do now have a workaround - it isn't elegant, but it should work, and I'll add it here for reference.
    Take any one of the RAWS and develop, and save as Tiff. Create the HDR in the software of your choice. Save as Tiff again. Open both in PS, Gimp etc. Copy & paste the HDR on to the original, lone Tiff. Flatten.

    I did try importing Tiffs to HDR. There are a number of drawbacks; it adds a step, gives me 4 or 5 Tiffs to remember to dispose of, and the results really aren't that good. I have been looking at exif editors, but haven't yet found what i'm looking for - jpgs are much easier in this respect, but I prefer to stay in 16-bit until output. I'll have another go with Exifer later...

  4. #4
    Sonic4Spuds's Avatar
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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    I don't suppose it will work on whatever you are running, but there is a program called Phatch which makes this quite simple, even allowing you to batch process (that is what the program is made for) or save the action to do again later.


  5. #5

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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    Phatch looks promising - "Phatch is open source and works on Linux, Mac Os X and Windows" to quote them. They're here;

    Thanks for this

  6. #6
    Sonic4Spuds's Avatar
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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    Glad to hear that they are expanding past linux, last time I was on their site they only had Linux. This will be a useful tool for other things as well, including resizing images for posting here.


  7. #7

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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    I did find something that will do this for free, called Exif Pilot. Here's the url;

    Winows only, I'm afraid.
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  8. #8

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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    Phil Harvey's excellent ExifTool ( can do pretty much anything with EXIF data.

  9. #9
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    +1 for exiftool. I run

    exiftool -AllTagsFromFile=src_file dest_file
    a lot on my MacBook to copy all the EXIF tags from a member image into a stitched panorama.

    If you'd prefer a GUI to CLI (command line interface), the exiftool website lists a bunch near the bottom of the page.

  10. #10

    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    exif tools are ubiquitous on the internet, you can google for it . ican give you some advices because I do this for many times . I use a tiff editor driver found on the internet . Install it and it becomes a selectable converter option.Then you can edit tiffs in many ways in any program at all, including Adobe Acrobat . Just open a tiff, choice a form you want, the task will be finished in several can do thumbnials, rotation,flip,watermark,resizing,etc. if you haven't found a good choice , you can have a try. best wishes.

  11. #11
    GiacomoD's Avatar
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    Re: Exif tool for Tiff

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulMiller View Post
    Phil Harvey's excellent ExifTool ( can do pretty much anything with EXIF data.
    I had a similar problem with EXIF data since it looks like GIMP save them only when working in linux OS or if it is re-compiled including a missing library

    I tried ExifTool and it looks great! the lack of a GUI is widely compensated by the possibility to write batch procedures.
    Paul, thank you for suggesting it!!!

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