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Hi folks, I was after some help with an image. I was recently in Rwanda and was lucky enough to see the gorillas. The silver back sat up at the start and looked at me. Unfortunately I cocked up - I was set to over expose because it was a dark object in a dark area (jungle) and had recently had my camera (An Olympus E-520 recently upgraded to the E-5) on spot metering. Unfortunately the gorilla was in the sun and in the position for a couple of seconds so my shot is over exposed badly, I can get the features better but the surrounds is very bright. Yes I probaly should have bracketed the shot, yes I should have adjusted my settings but in my defence I had seconds in time but no chance of ever repeating it as he turned around, laid down and largely went to sleep. I have the raw image and I will attempt to add the adjusted image I have done - Elements 8. I would appreciate any help with my mistake.