I think i found it Chris.
Posted this image in the post your insects thread sooc https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...htm#post125038 and played around with it to see if i could improve it as much as what Chris and Peter did.Started with a curves adjustment and attempting a wb correction.Then used the painting with light technique several times on the bodies of the butterflies.Also used a copy in B&w set to luminocity and finished with the sponge tool set to 50% saturation on the yellow circles of the wings to bring them out more.C&C are very welcome,Thanks...Ron.
ISO 800,f/8,1/40 sec,44mm,PP in CS3,Hand held as no tripods allowed.
Re: I think i found it Chris.
I like...though just a wee bit more contrast to the blacks..itsy bitsy
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Originally Posted by
Posted this image in the post your insects thread sooc
https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...htm#post125038 and played around with it to see if i could improve it as much as what Chris and Peter did.Started with a curves adjustment and attempting a wb correction.Then used the painting with light technique several times on the bodies of the butterflies.Also used a copy in B&w set to luminocity and finished with the sponge tool set to 50% saturation on the yellow circles of the wings to bring them out more.C&C are very welcome,Thanks...Ron.
ISO 800,f/8,1/40 sec,44mm,PP in CS3,Hand held as no tripods allowed.
I think it improved a lot. The wings and bodies are much lighter and the colour cast looks fine as well to me. I am not sure about contrast, maybe that or a bit of sharpening.
But quite an improvement. Fun to play huh;)?
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Very nicely done. I really quite like it.
Excuse my ignorance but what is the "painting with light" technique ?
Re: I think i found it Chris.
It's a very nice shot, but it lacks exposure on the insects (not the background) and it lacks contrast. I did a quick edit, if that's OK. Just to show the difference it makes, although I have probably blown the background now. Do you have flash?
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Originally Posted by
Very nicely done. I really quite like it.
Excuse my ignorance but what is the "painting with light" technique ?
It's a technique that i read in Matt Kloskowski's Layer's book on using the curves adjustment layer on top of a photo that has a dark area that you would like to lighten up.You then move the adjustment up until the area in question is where you want it then invert the layer mask to black which return's the photo to the pre adjustment look.Then use a soft brush with a low opacity set to white to remove the mask on the area in question which will reveal the lighter area underneath.Thanks for viewing Bobo.On a side note this is done in photoshop and requires layers and layer mask so i'm not sure if it will work for other programs such as Gimp..etc.
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Originally Posted by
rob marshall
It's a very nice shot, but it lacks exposure on the insects (not the background) and it lacks contrast. I did a quick edit, if that's OK. Just to show the difference it makes, although I have probably blown the background now. Do you have flash?
That look's great Rob.I was concerned about using my on camera flash as not to spook the butterflies as i'm sure they were still unable to fly as they were still drying their wings.Did you lighten the photo up with a brightness adjustment?
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Very nice, like the cropping, symmetry, and pattern.
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Thanks Ron, clear instructions that I can actually use.
Yes have PS.
Re: I think i found it Chris.
I just used that technique on a print I was having some moderate difficulties with and it worked remarkably wel...one more tool and to cross thread another discussion, Photoshop is not the end all, nor is the camera...it is what you can do with both that determines the end pleasure in the work.
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Originally Posted by
Very nice, like the cropping, symmetry, and pattern.
Thanks John.
Re: I think i found it Chris.
Originally Posted by
I just used that technique on a print I was having some moderate difficulties with and it worked remarkably wel...one more tool and to cross thread another discussion, Photoshop is not the end all, nor is the camera...it is what you can do with both that determines the end pleasure in the work.
I concur!