the last of the light bulbs
A blue day-light simulation bulb. I used a lamp with an adjustable dimmer and turned the power right down so it didn't blow out the highlights, but you can still see the filament lit. Single studio flash head bounced off the ceiling.
Processed in CS4. I selected the filament area and feathered it, then reversed the selection so the area outside the filament was selected. Applied a Glowing Edge filter from CS4 to that area. The feathering made a gentle transition.
C+C welcome
EXIF here... EXIF
Re: the last of the light bulbs
excellent job, such vivid colours
However, that relection at the base of the bulb is a little distracting, and is that your hand just above the filament?
Re: the last of the light bulbs
Originally Posted by
... is that your hand just above the filament?
What's this, the Maradona Hand of God moment? I see what you mean, but no, it's not. I was going to enclose everything in black to cut out reflections from the glass but then I decided that they provided more shape and colour - even if it looks like my hand.:)
Re: the last of the light bulbs
Nice processing. You have a light touch. I would probably have stomped hard down with the size 12 Doc and messed up a shot like this. I will wear the pink fluffy slippers whilst engaged in PP in future.
Re: the last of the light bulbs
Love this photo! Beautifully done.
Re: the last of the light bulbs
Originally Posted by
I will wear the pink fluffy slippers whilst engaged in PP in future.
Well, at least until your daughter figures out who's nicked hers ;) :) :D
Nice picture Rob, almost a blue plasma look nearer the bottom
Re: the last of the light bulbs
Re: the last of the light bulbs
Re: the last of the light bulbs