f/16, 70mm, 1/125s, ISO 400
Printable View
f/16, 70mm, 1/125s, ISO 400
Hi John,
The horizon? The clouds seem to be a little "cooked'. The colours look ..........faded?
Not your best shot yet. Sorry. :(
Maybe a slight problem with an area of 'pale light' in the top right corner. Admittedly I would have preferred that dark cloud to be in the top right area to balance the 'heaviness' of the buildings.
But I don't have any serious issues with this scene as it is; apart from the horizon of course. :D
Thanks for the comments Geoff. I have a side by side comparison of before and after editing that I'll share when I get home. One of the reasons for the edit shown is that my prints came out very muddy, so I modified through Elements to get a visibly pleasing print. The highlights were only slightly blown in the original but the tones of the reddish leaves and the bricks were off by a wide margin.
Here is a screen shot of the image prior to further post processing, which was done to alleviate the muddy print.
Nice colors in sky, and foliage - I think these are nicely brought forth and not overdone at all. I agree with Andre on appearance of tilt - does this (and the before/after you provide too) not tilt down and to the right a bit. The slope, or appearance of it, confers a bit of unease into what would otherwise be more settled/calm.
Rotated 2 degrees.
It's interesting how this small change makes the picture more settling for me, and it is interesting too how we tend only to see what we are thinking about when we are working in PP. I am surprised sometimes after I go away and come back to an image how off the track I was getting relative to a fresh perspective.