Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Nice images Dean, the new lens looks a good buy:)
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Nice series. I have the 85mm 1.8 and it is a fun lens.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Dean, there are some nice crisp shots there. I probably like the last one the best. I am glad I was safely on the other side of the river on Saturday.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Nice images... I especially like the second image (Silver Steve and the little girl). The position of the girl and her smile makes the image!
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
The second and last one are just terrific. Exceptionally well done!
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
All very good Dean and I especially like No 2 for the subject and his admirers pose.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4 followed the little girl with the pink belt, did you? :D She showed in the free hug girl shot too...Love those two shots... Nice lens.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Very nice work Dean! That looks like a very sharp lens. What body were you using?
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
The last one is super really . I also like the 'fear of difference'. Usually blurred FG subjects don't look good in most images , but in this one the blurred man and woman look nice and different indeed :)
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
A Saturday with 85 1.4
Hi Dean, I rarely say this… you deserve that gear, all of it. Great work!
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
Nice images Dean, the new lens looks a good buy:)
thanks David
I got tired of holding 70-200 for casual shootings and so I got the 85.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Thank you John,
the Nikon 85mm 1.8 is good lens. I tried it out at the store. I'm sure you'd had lots of fun shooting with it :)
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
All very good Dean and I especially like No 2 for the subject and his admirers pose.
Thanks Grahame,
That's my daughter AKA gallery assistant. That shot was totally natural. She was half concern and half curious and was asking if he was tired of crouching like that all day :D
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
IzzieK followed the little girl with the pink belt, did you? :D She showed in the free hug girl shot too...Love those two shots... Nice lens.
That's my daughter and she was having fun around the mall.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
Very nice work Dean! That looks like a very sharp lens. What body were you using?
Thanks Bud
I used it with my D800.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
The last one is super really . I also like the 'fear of difference'. Usually blurred FG subjects don't look good in most images , but in this one the blurred man and woman look nice and different indeed :)
Thank you Binnur
With "fear of difference" It was quite challenging as they were all walking towards me and I had only seconds to compose and frame. The two in the foreground were casually conversing and did not have any interesting facial expressions but I wanted to capture the facial expressions and reactions of the surrounding people once they saw their fashion. But the reactions came only after they walked pass them so they would always be in the foreground. So, yes I was interested in capturing the expression of the 2 in the background but I also want include the 2 in the foreground as a link to that expression. I hope that make sense :)
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
Hi Dean, I rarely say this… you deserve that gear, all of it. Great work!
Thank you.
After doing this series, I have more respect for street photographers whom use 24,35 or 50mm to do their work. Even with the 85mm, people could spot me miles away once the saw the camera their expression changed into a common wondering and inquisitive look and it was no longer natural for my liking.
Re: A Saturday with 85 1.4
Originally Posted by
Thank you.
After doing this series, I have more respect for street photographers whom use 24,35 or 50mm to do their work. Even with the 85mm, people could spot me miles away once the saw the camera their expression changed into a common wondering and inquisitive look and it was no longer natural for my liking.
Street photography IS image hunting!
…with all the thrills and the frustrations that hunting implies.