Blue Darter
Hard to get everything in focus on these, so I made sure the head and body were in focus and let the wings take care of themselves! Fill-flash, f7.1 on FZ1000:
https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3867/...3156cc7c_z.jpgDarter1-web by tombarry975, on Flickr
Re: Blue Darter
With that, you are successful indeed. The blur is just right, the colours matches too and the sharpness is excellent here.What more can one ask for?
Re: Blue Darter
Re: Blue Darter
Re: Blue Darter
The wings look good too, nice image :)
Re: Blue Darter
Re: Blue Darter
Re: Blue Darter
There's enough in focus for me Tom and it's a good achievement to at least get the head and full body length sharp.