Best. Stick. Ever.
She carried this stick the whole way home, just the as she's holding it in this pic. She's a piece of work; completely ignores other dogs, people and me, impatiently pulling the entire way, like a kid anxious to open up a present. It ain't art, but it is cute.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Made me smile Jack, it made me smile
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Great story to go along with a very enjoyable photo. How in the world did she find that branch in such an urban setting?
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Nice shot, Jack. Dogs and kids are alike. No matter what you give a dog to amuse itself, it will always prefer a stick. And kids seem to get more fun out of the cardboard box that a toy comes in than the toy itself.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Lovely. Jack will you eventually be allowed to throw it?
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Doodles always make my heart happy, just looking at them...
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Love the expression on her face. A bit sheepish, but, "It's my stick, and I don't care what anybody thinks - I'm taking it home!"
Thanks for sharing.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Indeed a cute street shot, Jack.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Great shot Jack. I had a dog like that once. He'd sell out for a nice stick just about any time and in his case, the bigger the better.
The only problem was getting rid of the darn things he brought home with him. He was quite protective about his stick collection...
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Jack, you've made my day.
Cheers Ole
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Thanks Mike. Surprisingly there are a lot of trees in the city, in small parks as well as along most streets. It's less about her finding a stick and more about me not letting her bring them home.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Thanks Greg. In this case, she has a huge stick obsession. When we're on the beach (end of this month) she will chase them for hours.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Thanks Paul. In this case I let her bring it home and chew it up. She just like to shred it to its smallest components and then she's done. She does, however let me clean up after her.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Thanks Richard. You can't (well, actually YOU can) believe how difficult it is some days walking her. So many people stop us, want to know about her, pet her, etc. It's a burden I (we) have to bear.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Thanks Zen. If you note, she is not looking at me. When she's carrying a stick, or anything she sneaks into her mouth, she refuses to look at me. I guess she thinks it makes her invisible. So it's more about deception than anything else.
Re: Best. Stick. Ever.
Jack... you are so right about the many people stopping and talking to us about our goldendoodles. I often say that if I were a young single dude who wanted to meet females, I would get a doodle. My Holly is absolutely a "Chick Magnet" and from other people I have talked to, it is not just Holly but any doodle;)
I once had a wonderful and beautiful dog that was a German Shepherd, Golden Retriever and wolf mix.
She was gentle and friendly but, the dynamics of people meeting her were totally different that the dynamics when they meet Holly.
Walking down the sidewalk, people would spread out to get out of my way when I was with my wolf-dog... When I walk Holly, I see people starting to smile at her from half a block away and they are almost driven to reach down and pet her.
Something about doodles is just irresistible. Besides sharing our lives with Holly, we have fostered six rescue doodles and all of them have the same great personality! And as an added bonus, my Holly sheds very little but, doodle shedding varies by coat style...