Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Congratulations, Pops! You'll have to let us know how it works out - was it eBay, or someone you knew?
And dare we ask, what are you judging?
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
It was ebay contact, but I caught him before he got it posted. I do know a number of people in the industry, through the 'net, doncha know. :D
Last year, I was wandering the photography section as they were setting up. I know several of the people involved in putting on the show. One of them casually asked if I would like to be one of the judges in 2010. "Sure." I found out a bit ago the I am the only judge of the photography class. OH, Lordy! Small town, known to almost everybody and I know alllll the kids in town from working for the school district. What have I gotten myself into? :D:eek::D
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Congrats on a great find! As for the fair, bet you'll really enjoy it:)
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Originally Posted by
I found out a bit ago the I am the only judge of the photography class. OH, Lordy! Small town, known to almost everybody and I know alllll the kids in town from working for the school district. What have I gotten myself into? :D:eek::D
This reads like the plot of a movie, where the nice photographer guy ends up impaled on the cross on the top of the highest church in town at the end of the first part. :eek:
I recommend packing your bags, with plans for an extended vacation immediately following the fair. With a little luck, the embers of your house will have cooled by the time you return, and you can get your backups out of your fireproof safe. :D
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Your are soooooo encouraging. I feel so much better, now. :p :D
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Originally Posted by
With a little luck, the embers of your house will have cooled by the time you return, and you can get your backups out of your fireproof safe. :D
Slightly off topic I know, but a fireproof safe won't save backups; you need a data-proof safe (different temperature ratings). I'll crawl back in my hole now :)
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Slightly off topic I know, but a fireproof safe won't save backups; you need a data-proof safe (different temperature ratings). I'll crawl back in my hole now :)
I just laughed so loud - the rest of the department came running to my office....What 'work' am I doing on a Friday afternoon that could generate such mirth they enquired & could they be part of it? :D
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Originally Posted by
I just laughed so loud - the rest of the department came running to my office....What 'work' am I doing on a Friday afternoon that could generate such mirth they enquired & could they be part of it? :D
If they tried that with me I'd just quick-draw my camera and point it at them ... that's enough to make anyone go running away screaming!
Re: Well, I went 'n' did it
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
If they tried that with me I'd just quick-draw my camera and point it at them ... that's enough to make anyone go running away screaming!
You know, I've noticed that phenomonem also. :D