Originally Posted by
Thanks, John.
My mistake, Manfred; this was shot during the golden hour. The EXIF says the time of shooting was 8:48 pm on July 3, and the sunset calendar I consulted for my location put the sunset at 9:42.
Richard, I sometimes use a large grey card when shooting indoors, but never outdoors. I do have a set of small white, grey and black cards on a lanyard, but I have never used them. What is your technique for using the WhiBal? I assume you place it next to your subject, when you are shooting dogs, but what about when you are shooting wildlife or other subjects at a distance from you? It looks like I would have to mail order the WhiBal, but I will experiment with the pocket-sized card that I have this weekend to see what kind of results it gives me.
Thanks for taking the time to play with it, Dan. I agree with Geoff that I think I would like something in between the two. The warmth the camera captured was obviously there, given the time of day, and it would both match my memory and be more aesthetically pleasing to me.