Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Once again, I will be attempting to post at least one photo per week throughout 2025.
Week 01 - Hope Cove. After gales and rain yesterday I expected to find some good surf here, but the sea had become virtually flat overnight. Some surfers were gently bobbing up and down and looking disappointed. So without the surf I tried to include some people instead. Nice day for January though.
Trying to cross the beach without getting their feet wet.
Mouthwell Beach at Outer Hope Cove
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Take away the people and their thermal coats and it's almost mediterranean!
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Week 02 - Thurlestone Beach. A couple of miles further along the coast during a brief sunny spell this morning.
7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/800 F10 Iso 400. Merge of two bracketed exposures
Pathway to the beach. Another of those impossible to photograph, but I will have a go anyway situations.
Merge of two bracketed exposures plus a bit of fiddling around during the edit
Walking along the beach
Merge of two bracketed exposures.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Thanks for the comment Jessica.
Week 03 - Gordon in Andrews Wood. Last week there was a volunteer day at a local nature reserve and it looked like being a nice day but the event leader was unable to get there due to snow around Dartmoor so the event was cancelled. However, two of us never saw the cancellation so we turned up as normal and had a productive morning cutting back the undergrowth. This is the other person wondering why nobody else was there.
I only had my little Fuji X20 camera but did what I could with it anyway.
1/800 F6.4 Iso 320
There was a cloudless blue sky.
1/900 F7.1 Iso 320
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Nice ones Geoff - lovely blue sky and some human interest ... at first glance it looks like your companion has a set of bagpipes behind him:)
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
That is the local version of a Swiss Army Knife, Bill. :)
Do these images seem a bit dark to other people? They look fine on my main work computer, with Photoshop, but after linking from P base they seem to have darkened a bit.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
And the images look fine to me (viewed on my uncalibrated MacBook screen).
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Thanks. I have double checked and P base images look a bit darker and greener tinted than when viewed with my working computer using Photoshop.
My main working computer isn't normally connected to the internet and for safety I use an older one for internet use, with different monitors which are both calibrated. But they are slightly different.
I will try to bear this in mind for future uploads.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Week 04 - A local nature reserve. A hint of blue in the sky tempted me to visit a local nature reserve but by the time I got there the sky was turning grey once again. Anyway, I persevered and shot a few scenes in the difficult light.
Looking across the marsh
7D with Canon 24-105 lens. 1/400 F8 Iso 640. Merge of two bracketed exposures
A Black-headed Gull doing a bit of wing maintenance
Sigma 150-600 Sport lens. 1/400 F6.3 Iso 640
Oystercatcher digging deep for some food
1/320 F6.3 Iso 640
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Week 05 - Another local bird hide. After I had been there for a couple of hours somebody came along to make a few alterations to the bird feeder so I had to quickly change from my bird lens to a general purpose lens for a snap of him in action.
7D with Canon 24-105 lens 1/640 F10 Iso 400
Looking from the hide towards the estuary.
1/400 F10 Iso 400
And a Cirl Bunting - an uncommon bird although they regularly appear at that site during the winter
Sigma 150-600 Sport lens 1/1600 F9 Iso 400
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Week 06 - Replacing the gas main. The road outside my house has been closed for a few weeks while a replacement gas main pipe has been laid. Actually, they sleeved a new plastic pipe inside the old steel pipes. My gas comes from a different pipe so I wasn't troubled by the work but thought I ought to record the operation with some photos.
It was a dull day and I didn't want to be carrying around a heavy camera so I used my pocket sized Fuji X20 instead.
1/200 F4.5 Iso 320
1/100 F4.5 Iso 320
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Nice colourful set Geoff. Does the X20 have the usual Fujifilm sims - if so which did you use? I'm trying NOT to use them but every now and again take a look and think ....
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Thanks for the comment. Not quite sure exactly what you mean by Fujifilm sims.
I shoot Raw and usually using AV option. It takes a tolerable quality image on this sort of scene but can have problems with image noise, particularly in the shadows, and it tends to mush up fine landscape detail. But it usually works better than a phone camera.
The advantage is with its size, which means it will fit into a jacket or deep trouser pocket. The best camera to use is the one you have with you. I often find I don't want to be lugging around a bulky 'real camera' all day on the off chance of finding something to photograph.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
I'm not sure if this is the case for all Fuji cameras but they can be set up for jpeg processing in camera or in post (espcially using Capture One) to simulate classic cinema colour processing. It's not something that I'm interested in doing (I too shoot RAW) - but a fellow camera club member and Fuji XT-5 shooter does use them quite effectvely.
All of which is a round about way of saying I liked the colours in your post :). Here's a link to an article about it - it's just the first one that came up in an Internet search and have no other comment on it.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
I have checked the instruction book and there are 8 film effects possible in just this little camera, although I also never use the option.
I record onto a San Disk Ultra card which has about 30 GB of space. Far more than I would ever require for normal shooting, but there is a video option and I thought I might use it one day.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Week 07 - Salcombe Scenes. A sunny morning so I thought I would have a walk around on a Sunday morning before things got busy and parking became a problem.
Low tide at Shadycombe Creek
7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/400 F10 Iso 250
Bakers Well. This was an important road in Victorian times and now has quite a bit more traffic than it was designed to have. I was thinking about taking some images for the next local history society calendar which requires a 4 x 5 ratio. It includes old and modern images displayed side by side.
And this is how the scene looked in 1912
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
Here is another then and now pair of images from the same day.
Union Street
Difficult sunlight and shadow scene so it is a merge of three exposures.
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
I like the before and after Street views. What is the name of this town?
Re: Project 52 - Weekly Photos from Geoff F
It is Salcombe, in the UK deep south.
All of my images include a GPS position which can be found amongst the EXIF data.