Any bug photos during July 2015
The previous thread for anyone to post their insect photographs has started to get a bit long winded at 10 pages so I'm starting another monthly thread for anybody who wants to show suitable images. It isn't a competition so imperfect shots are still welcomed, particularly if they show something unusual or interesting on a very general bug based theme.
The previous Show US Your Bugs images are here
OK then, I will start things off with some caterpillars.
Lackey Moth. I always think these look depressed and over burdened with worry. ;)
Magpie Moth caterpillars are 'loopers' and move along in a series of stretches and loops. Quite amusing to watch.
Mullein Moth caterpillars also have interesting 'faces'. For some reason they remind me of a cartoon train which has a face on the engine. :D
Anybody else got anything to add?
WARNING: This thread may contain spiders or material of a sexual nature! :eek:
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Looks like it is that time of the year, Jim. I was photographing some beetles in a similar position today; but with the wind movement, I eventually ditched all of my attempts.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Great images Geoff, I can never get these guys to stay still for me:D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
I like #2 of Geoff's initial submission...haven't seen any do that lately ...
Kudo to Jim's bug too...despite the warning...:cool:
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
This is a family friendly show Jim, keep it clean :D
Best I dust off the Tamron 90mm and join the fun.
I will see what I can find
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
They always look absolutely stunning, David.
Following on from Mark's horsefly photos. This is my sighting from today.
Pale Giant Horsefly - Tabanus bovinus or just possibly T. sudeticus. An inch long, which does look frightening for a potential biting fly! :eek:
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Cheers Geoff, great captures, I hate them with a vengeance :D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
got my sync cable today so starting to play and set up off camera flash - ruby tail wasp - not sure but will go with the most common, Chrysis ignita
f16, 1/250th ISO100
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
None of them are what you would call common, Mark.
Good photo and probably correct identification although there are several similar species and my information is rather limited.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
thanks Geoff, much appreciated :)
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
I would be happy to show you my bug photos if only someone would explain how to photograph them inside the darned software.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Lovely capture Mark, have yet to come across one of these beauties!
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
You would need a Micro Macro for that Mike:D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Nice shots David, Geoff and Mark.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
A little bit of colour.
The violet form of an immature Blue-tailed Damselfly. It will eventually become an adult with greenish sides to the thorax instead of the more common blue form. It is eating a small moth.
Leptura aurulenta. A somewhat uncommon beetle.
It was clambering around a plant and not posing for photos so I had to accept whatever I could get. There were some 'better' images with less confusing background but this was the only one which clearly shows the golden bands on the thorax that give a definite identification.
Another 'second rate' shot but which was ideal for identification is this sawfly - Tenthredopsis litterata.
And a fairly standard angle on a Large Skipper.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
All are good for me Geoff, but the skipper is my favourite!
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
nice shots Geoff, love the beetle,Leptura very nice.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Only here do I find myself enjoying bugs! All are great images! Could you please come get the mosquitos in Texas and take them to photograph where you are? With all the rain here you might not even need a macro lens :D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Mark, you did very well in that image...I like it...and Geoff, I like the first one. It really looks like a lady but then the blue part in the tail, does that make it a male...you know, blue for boys kinda thing? What is that marking? Does it mean anything?
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Great shots everyone! Love the idea of these thread.
David your jumpers are again awesome as always and have again made me sad that it is winter here at the moment. Tried finding some but unfortunately nothing. Especially like Nr.2 of yours though.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Cheers Toby, I'm sure when summer hits your parts you will have plenty to add to the thread!:)
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Nice capture Jim, we have something similar here, but with black-orange markings on the wings!
Just had a look and I think my one is an Ornate Moth?
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Nice David. Yours is better than mine. :D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Maybe closer Jim, not any better mate;)
I took this pic ages ago and forgot all about it until I saw yours, maybe I will P/P some more later:D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Beautiful Demoiselle female
When they land their wings are held rather upright and clear of the abdomen but as they settle the wings tend to drop over the abdomen. And of course, by the time I get focused they have dropped. This was the best I could achieve from a rather friendly insect which kept flitting and settling around me.
Five spot Burnet Moths fly during the day but aren't overly common. The shiny black wing background colour makes photography difficult and I had a lot of rejects due to over exposed areas. Couldn't get that perfect angle on it so this is another case of 'the best of many shots'.
When I went to a new site for me consisting of a reedbed I did wonder about the little hoverfly Tropidia scita. They aren't supposed to be in this area but a couple of years ago I did find some at another similar site. And the second insect which I found was this very species. Once again I struggled to get a 'correct' angle. There is an enlarged area under the hind femur which gives identification but I couldn't quite make my perfect shot.
You can just about make out that area on the far leg. Later on I did capture a shot of that area but the face etc wasn't sharp. So next time I will have to try harder for a better angle. I really need one sitting up on a flower not hiding amongst leaves.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
nice shots Geoff, not sure - I don't think I have put this one up before but shout at me if I have ! both Beautiful and Banded Demoiselle - banks of the river Torridge at Torrington when we were there a few weeks ago there were a lot about - the females were everywhere but most males were not yet in full colour
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Nice Damsels Mark and Geoff.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
More great captures Geoff!
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Something taken in May, a scorpion fly - too pale to id fully as it had just emerged and was getting to some high point to fly - I assume. It was on vegetation on a sunny bank so a nice position to photo for a change. However, poor thing, while I was taking its photo there was a sound of a flurry of wings behind me and a flash of brown in my eye line on right and in the viewfinder and it was gone - looked up and there was a smug looking robin on a branch to the left of my position finishing it off ! so this is a image of its last moments !
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Nice capture Mark, never come across one of these, not even when I lived back in the U.K.
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Very nice David, love the detail on the nest - and that the wasp is a friend of batman :D
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Just took this, it did not hang about and was a bit breezy so wasp and leaf were moving about a bit. Did a quick pp - Ancistrocerus gazella I think but, Geoff any build on that ?
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
Nicely done Mark, there has been a breeze blowing here for the last two months and although it helps with the 40+ temps, it's playing havoc with my macro!:mad:
Re: Any bug photos during July 2015
That may be the correct identification, Mark, but it is so difficult to be absolutely certain without microscopic examination.
Going back to the previous identification attempts on horseflies. I found this today.
Never managed a side or front view.
Seems like a Hybomitra species to me; but they are tricky and I seem to be stumped.
Hairy eyes and orange first antennae segment. Though I might narrow it down by location but they all appear to be seriously under recorded and the most likely matches are very local, and not close, or rare.
ps. Can't get a match on David's wasp either. Rather unique face markings so possibly a southern species.