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Thread: One for Shannon... DoF & Water Droplets

  1. #1
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Bill S

    One for Shannon... DoF & Water Droplets

    Figured I'd get in on the act of posting stuff for specific people... Actually, it is for anyone that feels like looking, but I figured I'd try to be cool like Rob.

    Anyway, Shannon, I noticed your thread about DoF and thought I would share these examples. I just took these yesterday after the rain here subsided for a little bit.

    One for Shannon... DoF & Water Droplets

    One for Shannon... DoF & Water Droplets

    You'll notice how since the shape repeats itself with the water droplets, the DoF is accentuated by showing what is and is not in the slice of clear focus. Additionally, you can see how the angle of your subject to the camera changes the DoF as well. In the first shot (even with a larger aperture of f/22), my camera is more parallel to the leaf, so I have a (perceived) larger DoF, but in the second shot (with an aperture of f/32) my camera is more perpendicular to the leaf, so the DoF is reduced greatly.

    So when you're doing your shot for class, remember that DoF is affected by all of the following: aperture, focal length, focal distance, and angle of the camera to the subject (anything I'm missing guys?), and so you can use any or all of those to accentuate how your DoF looks in your shot.

    C&C is always welcome.

    - Bill

  2. #2
    Shambhala's Avatar
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    Re: One for Shannon... DoF & Water Droplets

    Bill... WOW Those are stunning pictures!! Thanks for posting that for me.! I really get the sense of how DOF works from these pictures. I now just have to apply the tips I have got and translate them to some photo's of my own. With all you guys helping me I hope I get an A.. Thanks again, it was very nice of you to post those!!

  3. #3
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Bill S

    Re: One for Shannon... DoF & Water Droplets


    Glad they help.

    Don't forget to let this exercise for your class help you to start seeing how you can use DoF as a tool in your photos. I know plenty of folks have offered suggestions for what you can/should shoot for the assignment, but I think the best thing that can come of it would be for you to see some scene and know that it would work to illustrate DoF. With all the examples and suggestions you've received, it sounds like that will happen, and I'm looking forward to seeing the results.

    - Bill

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