Really cool photo's, great shots!.. I love getting to see things I would never normally see..![]()
I may be wrong here, and I apologize if I am. But it looks to me from these shots that animals are being encouraged to be cruel to one another in the interests of human (and dare I say it, male) entertainment. What benefit is there to the animals? (no smilie)
People have different cultures.
Some intersting shots and a good look into a very different culture. As for animals being subject to whims of human excess, yes they are if we wish it, and in a country where human rights are as well established as they are here in the UK it is very easy to take exception to that. There is certainly no benefit to atleast one of the animals but im willing to bet that the guy who owns the winning bull reaps some kind of benefit.
Japokskee, I clicked on your flickr link and looked at some of the beautiful pictures you have taken. I love seeing pictures from different countries especially when they are very different from my own country (Canada). I look forward to seeing more pictures that tell the story of your country.![]()
thanks to all. yup! it's in their culture. if you will watch it in actual fight they are not really letting the animal hurt each other more than just bumping and some head ons. that is why there are referee and owners of the bull ready to stop the fight anytime if needed. the purpose of this fight as per my Omani friend is to raise the price of the male bull for selling. the winner can ask for more price and the loser need to train again and fight the next time so the bull owner can have a chance to raise his price of his bull.
i hope i did not offend anyone with my post (sad face)![]()
I wasn't offended. I liked your pictures, and I like to learn about other cultures. I am glad the animals do not get hurtI am looking forward to seeing more of your photos! Have a happy face Japokskee, that is what photos are for to show others things we can't normally or don't see.
Those are really great pictures. Even if I agree or disagree with what they are doing, you did a fantastic job taking them![]()
I love these!! You have a fan here in Canada! I love seeing the outfits, the sand, everything.. these are beautiful shots..! I love the expressions you have captured on the faces. WELL DONE!!![]()