Jonathan, I like how you deliberately angled the bud to go diagonal to the right. It made the shot "active". Can't wait to see your second with it in full bloom.Nice work!
Very pretty and delicate!When I see flowers like this it always makes me want to un peal them and see what's inside.. like it's a secret present.
I agree, the 'sympathetic' lines in background help too. Maybe not a good choice of word there, but I think you'll know what I mean.
To my eyes, the bloom might stand a little more sharpening though, not that it is soft, just not as sharp as it might be, but that may be a deliberate choice on your part to preserve the delicacy.
nice bokeh but..
Very nice photo.I also like how the background shapes are moving in the same direction as the bud.Good work!
Thank you all for the comments!
Actually, this was one of my first photographs using a tripod. I haven't buy one, but a friend of my father lent me one so that I could test it and decided what to buy .
Jiro, guess what? I didn't angled the bud with my hand or a stick, it's just like that =D By the way, I'm afraid of doing special positions in the plants here, because my mother could be very angry if they suffered any harm.