Whoaa!!! An amazing shot, Mike. Never have I seen a magnificent scenery just beside a winding road like this one. You made me miss my motorbike days, Sir. Lovely! I like how you use the S-curve of the road to highlight the middle ground against the background. Very nice!![]()
That's no road Willie, it's the glacier, or whats left of it. There is still a thickness of ice there, covered in scree but you can see how deep it was in the past.
Mike I assume that is a shrunken glacier. It is indeed a sad sight. I guess this is down to climatic change. It looks as if the ice river reached to the top of the screes on the right at one time. very nicely composed shot too.
You were posting at the same time...and answered my question - uncanny![]()
Very nice! I like it when there are plants composing the border of the frame. They seems to be like curtain revealing the landscape =)
O, this shriking process is really mmm 'amazing' or 'freightening'.
That reminds me of a recent picture in a motorcycle magazine... the original issue in I believe 1979 had a cover photo of a motorcyclist posing in front of a glacier that came up to the road. They retook that picture for the current issue with a motorcyclist posing in the same spot, but the glacier was way back. Sad.
Stunning images Mike. My first impression was to think of the episodes in Kevin McCloud's Grand Tour about the Alps. The second photo really gives me a sense of size and of the wonders of nature. Too bad we humans don't show more respect to our environment.
You're too kind Raylee.