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Thread: Remote release options for Canon SLR cameras

  1. #1

    Remote release options for Canon SLR cameras

    Hi everybody-first post
    cheapest price for Canon RS-80N3 remote release some 2/3 weeks ago was £29 from 7dayshop (with plenty in stock ) now £ 38.99 - jessops £42.75. Prices going up??

    Any comments /advise / recommendations for a well made and reliable remote from other than canon which appear to be considerably cheaper

    thanks brian
    Last edited by McQ; 25th February 2009 at 02:16 AM.

  2. #2

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    Re: remote release-40d

    Hi Brian,

    Welcome to the forums - great to have you with us

    Speaking to one of my dealers here in New Zealand the other day I'm told that prices are all over the place - both Canon and Nikon are priced relative to the Yen, and Nikon are going up up to 35% here, with Canon averaging around 10% (different amounts for different models).

    In terms of remote releases, I'm probably not going to be much help, but I've long been a BIG fan of the Canon TC-80N3. It's invaluable for landscape in that it can be set to wait X amount of time and then take X numver of X duration shots with X interval between them; ideal for multi-minute exposures and ideal for taking shots at set intervals as the light changes.

    My personal decision is to stay away from 3rd party products, with the the old adage "you get what you pay for" seeing to hold true more often than not (so often you and up paying twice).

    Hope this helps.

  3. #3

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    South Devon, UK

    Re: remote release-40d

    But Colin's favourite cable, if it is the one I am thinking about, sells for around £110 here. I've just had a quick look around at prices and your quotes are average. Amazon list slightly cheaper deals but the cheapest are from companies I have never heard of, but could be genuine. If you do think about third party equipment you need to make certain that it is compatable with your camera as electric controls do vary considerable between different camera models.

    I'm afraid that you have missed the boat if you want any bargains on photographic equipment. And it appears to cover all types of products worldwide with some cameras and lenses increasing by over 30%.

    As an alternative to just gritting your teeth and paying up. Do you really need a remote release anyway. Other options include using the timer or forgetting about a cable and just pressing the shutter carefully, especially if you use the mirror lock up function.

    I started using a cable for all tripod shots but I honestly can't see any difference on a sturdy tripod when the shutter speed is above hand holdable speeds. Admitedly, those low light level landscapes etc do need something extra.

  4. #4

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    Re: Remote release options for Canon SLR cameras

    "Plan B" might be to consider a 3rd party look-alike available from our friends on eBay. Just had a check and there appear to be lots on offer.

    Not something I'd do - but might be worth looking into.

  5. #5
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Remote release options for Canon SLR cameras

    I also have, and recommend the TC 80N3, the extra functionality is worth it, for me.

    I also am not really into third party gear in this particular area - the female electrical contact on the third party option I have tested was not a snug fit - you might have access to a greater range of manufacturers, than I.

    The best budget option, remote release, I built for a pair of Powershot P5IS.

    To save on written details, this sums up my design, which was similar, but using a bulb release:


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