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Thread: My back yard

  1. #21

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: My back yard

    'Here' is the southernmost tip of South Devon. Or for those who are further away, near Plymouth.

    The shed was actually here when I bought the house back in 1982. I did a few repairs and replaced the roof 2 years ago.

    The greenhouse, which was minus glass, was acquired from a friend who wanted more parking space.

    My neighbour also has a small vegetable patch but you have to go a long way to find another veg plot. Most people who have moved here rip up the gardens to provide parking for one of those 'Chelsea Tractors' and a speedboat.

    I think they get their vegetables from Interflora.

  2. #22
    rob marshall

    Re: My back yard

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I think they get their vegetables from Interflora.
    Surely that should be Waitrose? (overseas members won't get that one)

  3. #23

    Re: My back yard

    We live on 22 acres at the foot of a hill in a high valley in Southern Vermont. It's incredibly beautiful and I have a whole slew of pics for you but I don't care - I want to share and, HONESTLY, I've restrained myself!

    My itty bitty, brand new baby garden with the plants that I transferred from the old house, last autumn. This weekend is the big gardening weekend and I'll get to add a lot. It's a start...

    My back yard

    The milk shed that is going to be cleaned out so that I can turn it into a garden bothy!!!

    My back yard

    At the top of our hill. There is no way to really communicate how vast the sky and meadow and view are from up there. One of these days, I'll learn to do a panoramic stitch. You can just see the top of Tom's mom's house. Ours is beyond and below the left power line pole - the hill falls steeply there and you can't see it.

    My back yard

    Turning left and going back down...

    My back yard

    From the bottom of that stretch of the hill looking through the secret meadow back towards our barns.

    My back yard

    A peek of the pond that is just diagonally across the road from our front yard and the pagan altar where we sacrifice burnt marshmallow offerings to the god of summer fun!

    My back yard

    It's just always like this....

    My back yard

    I know that these aren't perfect photos. I had a horde of hungry mosquitoes chasing me which proves that nothing's perfect. But thanks for looking and letting me share!
    Last edited by Katy Noelle; 27th May 2011 at 02:35 AM.

  4. #24
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: My back yard

    Katy - That's an absolutely gorgeous setting. Thanks for letting us see it.

  5. #25

    Re: My back yard

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Katy - That's an absolutely gorgeous setting. Thanks for letting us see it.
    Thanks, Donald! If I have to be locked away in a tower, then, this is the best tower in the world!

    edit: Whooooops! Did I just say that out loud?

  6. #26
    stevewe88's Avatar
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    Re: My back yard

    Wow Katy, that looks perfect to me.

    I was going to put some pictures of my place on but feel all inadequate now

    I can't even show my small veggie area because Geoff has blown that out of the water too


  7. #27

    Re: My back yard

    Quote Originally Posted by stevewe88 View Post
    Wow Katy, that looks perfect to me.

    I was going to put some pictures of my place on but feel all inadequate now

    I can't even show my small veggie area because Geoff has blown that out of the water too

    Oh, deary, deary NO! I've lived in apartments and in town and in the city and some places were grander than others - I'm just sharing my joy with you all - I feel so grateful that I'm here. Go on and post yours, too! It's not a competition. When I lived in town, on our little street there were three of us neighbors who cared very much about our homes but had completely different styles. Our home had gardens similar to what I've shown (come to think of it - the very same plants - duh!) Across the street lived a man who was trained as a gardener but, being the hippy he was, left the weeds to multiply and naturalize (it, actually, had quite a pretty woodland feel over there - a gorgeous jungle.) Then, next door, our neighbors planted plastic flowers (it's all the rage in VT!) Didn't matter - we loved each others' homes because we were neighbors and were happy that we each had our own "castle". (Am I being too philosophical, though?) Stop being so silly - just post a shot of your backyard!

  8. #28
    stevewe88's Avatar
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    Re: My back yard

    Ok but you should have said Dreary, Dreary. I live on a new housing estate that still doesn't have a proper road surface but needless to say I have a few more neighbours than you Katy.

    Being a new build house, it takes a while to get the garden nice but we are trying.

    Side of house looking towards the back.
    My back yard

    Looking along the back of the house

    My back yard

    Veggie beds at the other side of the house looking towards the front.

    My back yard

    At least the builders tried to give the front of the house a bit of character

    My back yard

    I didn't have time to pick up the kids toys but at least I mowed the grass today

    Last edited by stevewe88; 27th May 2011 at 07:01 PM. Reason: Spelling

  9. #29

    Re: My back yard

    Dang, that's adorable, Steve! I can just hear the fun and laughter and smell the cookout! I love the style of the houses, too. I should've/could've posted a picture of our yard at the beginning of last year. The ENTIRE barnyard was a wasteland - all dug up to run electrical cables to the barns and the new husband's idea of a romantic anniversary present. (pursed lips smiley!) I know how to see your new tree grown up and what the plants along the fence will look like as summer moves along - looks very fun and ideal - like a castle, in fact!

  10. #30
    stevewe88's Avatar
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    Re: My back yard

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    looks very fun and ideal - like a castle, in fact!
    Thanks Katy, They do say an Englishman's home is his castle

    I didn't go as far as a sceptic tank but Zoe did get the the two tonnes of slate around the barbeque for her Birthday last year

  11. #31
    abhi's Avatar
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    Re: My back yard

    Our backyard is pretty uninteresting to shoot by itself. We mostly have trees, and no grass. So, I hope you do not mind if I share the photos of some fruits and birds in our back yard instead.

    My back yard

    My back yard

    My back yard

    My back yard

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