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Thread: Digital photo editing software: Anything wrong with PS Elements?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Ontario Canada Burlington

    Digital photo editing software: Anything wrong with PS Elements?

    I use PS Elements 7 for processing my pictures. It seems to me to cover most of the basic requirements for this type of work. I might be wrong, but it appears to be quite a sophisticated programme.
    No one seems to talk about Elements. Do I have a complex or is there something wrong with the programme?

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Digital photo editing software: Anything wrong with PS Elements?

    Hi Paul,

    I use V6, I wouldn't say there is anything wrong with it as such.

    I'm still learning it, occasionally I wish for proper CS4, so I'd have access to more of the Adobe Camera Raw tabs, curves, etc. and could do layer masks more easily (or at all!), I know there are cludges to get similar functionality, but I haven't yet succeeded in a repeatable way.

    PSE does allow me to fix the biggest problems with my pictures quite easily, except for the 'nut' behind the lens, that is.


  3. #3
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Digital photo processing software

    Hi Paul,

    I use Elements 7 .I just started learning post processing and feel the program is all I'll ever need for editing my photos.Fairly easy to understand , powerful and a great price for what you get.

  4. #4
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Digital photo editing software: Anything wrong with PS Elements?

    Hey Paul,
    I've tried both PSE-7 and CS-4 both excellent programs. Adobe will allow you a 30 day trial for each at no charge. When my trial expires on CS-4 I'll purchase Elements because it has more than enough tools than I need right now (Beginner) . I have an older version of Elements 5 at home and I find that PSE-7 is easier to navigate.

    Hope this helps.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Ontario Canada Burlington

    Re: Digital photo editing software: Anything wrong with PS Elements?

    Hi all you PSE users,
    Its nice to know I am not alone. However, what I am really after is some good information on working creatively with Layers. The PSE 7 help section is somewhat terse.
    Thanks again,

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