The eternal question which has plagued women from time immemorial......
"Does my bum look big in this?"
The second shot is the original with very minimal sharpening only ( just couldn't help myself. Just had to, by force of habit!). The First shot is the result of much stronger sharpening and cropping. I somehow think that over processing, particularly too much sharpening, has killed the concept of a gentle scene with Bruno looking 'big' against, but melding into, his surroundings.
One message I have picked up from my reading seems to be, "of good, better, best, lots of sharpening is always best..' However is there a place for a softer approach, as in #2? Or have I lost the plot on this one? Grateful for any advice on this based on these two posts please.
Taken with a Finepix S8100 on automatic setting... Was out splitting some firewood wood at the time and I tend not to take my good camera out on such expeditions which involves riding the ATV over some pretty rough and rocky terrain. Already sent one expensive camera to Camera Heaven doing this!