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Thread: my problem

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2011

    my problem

    O.K. this is my problem when I try PP I have a hard time telling if my pictures are better after I do my PP

    I know I haven't post any photos yet I will I'm going on vacation for a couple days when I get back I plan to post photos

    please try to answer this question in a general sense

    Thank You
    Shawn O

  2. #2

    Re: my problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn O View Post
    O.K. this is my problem when I try PP I have a hard time telling if my pictures are better after I do my PP

    I know I haven't post any photos yet I will I'm going on vacation for a couple days when I get back I plan to post photos

    please try to answer this question in a general sense

    Thank You
    Shawn O
    Hi, Shawn! (and, a very warm welcome to CiC)

    I think that post processing is not only head knowledge but, also, something that we have to train our eyes to see. Understanding it and finding what works for us - what we like - is something that we develop with time and practice (courage and patience, too.) Every good photographer has walked this road, before us. Post processing is just something that you have to develop, though, if you want to improve in your photography skills. It always has been - even in the days of film before Photoshop ever existed. Posting photos up and getting feedback is TREMENDOUSLY helpful for developing your vision! "Just do it!!!"

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: my problem

    Hey Shawn,

    Been there done that.
    Don't worry. This happens with everyone. Don't let that stop you. Do what pleases you & we all are here to tell you what works & what doesn't. Waiting to see your photos soon

  4. #4

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    Re: my problem

    Hi Shawn, you have come to the right place. Don't be shy, post some of your shots and ask specific or general questions. You will get honest feedback here which I'm sure you will find very helpful; I know I have and still do. It's easy to go to extremes with PP too much or not enough. Be patient, and get around to posting some shots. There are many experts here that will help out. In the end though you have to trust yourself, and in time you will.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: my problem

    This is what I do when trying to decide between 2 edits, and it will work just as well between an edit and the original providing you save/export the edit as a new image; which is good practice anyway.

    I simply open both versions on a split screen then do a little bit of equal zooming to each version. Differences should become apparent as you view both options side by side.

    Various software has slightly different ways of creating 2 side by side viewing windows so I won't risk confusion by giving exact details of this.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: my problem

    Try printing both versions and viewing it from different angles. Part of the purpose for PP is to improve the image for printing.

  7. #7

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    Re: my problem

    Am there, do that.
    It can be very intense and absorbing work, and it is easy to lose perspective. I have sometimes been so absorbed in it that I get one detail or aspect right and miss the obvious.
    I don't really have a solution, but I have 2 rules which I try to use...
    1. Never destroy the original.
    2. Ask someone else for their opinion.
    3. Shut it all down and come back to it the next day - if you still like it, then you are on a winner (but refer to rule 1.)
    (and yes, I can't count).

  8. #8
    Jo Brown's Avatar
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    Re: my problem

    I agree with what others have said. And I find myself in your spot fairly often. What I usually do, as well, is to stop and leave it for a few days. Go back to it with fresh eyes. Sometimes when I look at it again I think...."what was I thinking(?)" And other times I decide I like it.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: my problem

    2. Ask someone else for their opinion.

    For this, I usually take some prints to the 'professional critics' at my local pub.

    Trouble is that too often I get depressed by their savage criticism and end up ditching the shot.

  10. #10
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: my problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    2. Ask someone else for their opinion.

    For this, I usually take some prints to the 'professional critics' at my local pub.

    Trouble is that too often I get depressed by their savage criticism and end up ditching the shot.
    Getting opinions from other people is fine, so long as you keep your perspective. The question I ask myself in that situation is whether I took and am working the picture for THEM or for ME. That is what you have to keep in mind at all times.


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