Another nice composition, Donald. Perhaps some burning on the flowers in the front to bring out the detail would help though.
Is this the same place where the golf course is? I personally find the colors in this photo to be more pleasing than the ones in the 1st Tee photo.
Is it my imagination, or are all the bushes and trees of the left side of the frame, leaning inward to the right at about a 35-40 degree angle?
Thanks for your comment.
Yes this is the same place. The golf course is about 100 meters straight ahead of us as we look at this shot. This one was taken about 3 hours before the the other one , just before 8am.
You've got that little tree in the centre ground leaning. But this was partly due to the way it was growing. Also, it was shot with the Tokina 11-16 at 12mm, so there probably is some distortion on it, but I don't think there's very much.
Do you think that what there is detracts from the potential of the image?
Actually, most of the left side leans about 12% off TDC (according to PS -note the lack of horizontal in the little fence) and as such, it does distract enough to remove most of its potential as a good shot (to me, anyway). It's kind of like that little thing you see out of the corner of your eye and can't seem to ignore. I think it is an easy fix with a distort edit though not sure Gimp has such a thing. wish I could be more encouraging.
Dang ... I think it's me that's leaning as much as the problem being caused by a distort. I was surprised at that thoiught of distortion because I'd taken care to make sure the camera was pointing straight ahead - as soon as you tilt it up or down at that focal length (12mm) you start getting major distortion.
It must have been caused by the second bottle of wine the evening before!
There's a good lesson in that for folks (not the two bottles of wine) - I was concentrating so much on getting a calm moment in what developed into a serious gale-force wind and NOT tilting up or down, that I ignored/forgot to make sure the camera was horizontal. And, even worse, I didn't see it in PP, probably because by that time the concentration was on the colour accuracy.
Basic error. Stupid Donald!
In every shot we all make, there is so much going on, we all do the same thing. I've had to rotate or distort fix more than I would like to admit to. I have a mental checklist I go through on each shot and am highly considering making it into a cheat sheet for my students to use. Even at that, I still screw up on occasion. Digital, in a lot of ways is still very much like film: shoot 12 frames to get one really good one. It just involves fewer consumables.
When I finalize it later this summer, I will be happy to post it here for the forum.