I think you did quite good on this shot, Shannon. Good focus on the subject, blurred background to separate the main subject from it. The pose was very manly, and the expression looks very natural. In short... awesome! One small nit is the almost borderline exposure on the left side on the white jacket. You almost lost the detail and texture there so that means you need to underexpose a little bit (probably - 2/3 EV) or increase the recovery slider on LR or ACR in photoshop. Seeing two of your work featuring human elements, I think this is a good type of photography for you. You have the intuition to shoot people when they are uninhibited. Good job.
Great job, Shannon. I like the pose and the expression.
Very nice Shannon, you have a good eye for portraits. If you have not done so already, check out Colin's Portrait Tutorials School of Portraiture - Links to Lessons 1 through 8. They are excellent and if you enjoy this type of photography I'm sure you will find them very helpful
Thanks Wendy, I am definitely going to check out the link.. I am slowly trying to make my way through all the tutorials
Thanks Abhi and Jiro... I was a little intimidated because the subject is also a professional photographer, he is a PS genius so he can fix them.. LOL, I start Photoshop next Tues.. I can't wait to work on some of the pictures. I had to ask him to do me a favour because this is going to be one of the photo's I hand in for my class assignment (which I blew the first time and had to reshoot the whole thing) I can't take anymore nature pictures, it's just not my thing.. There are so many more people that have the eye for nature photos, that do a way better job. I really enjoy people so I think once I am done taking all the required pictures of things I am going to concentrate on really learning people.
For me, this shot needs hands. Things like sharpness and dof are mostly made by camera, the framing part is your job, in this shot the attitude is in the pose in a good %, and in the pose, hands play a big role.
Bye, good luck.!
Last edited by xalupa; 1st June 2011 at 05:10 AM.
I think I was so worried about getting everything else right that I could have put more emphasis on framing.. I will remember that next time!! Thanks again for your help Gonzalo
Yes I go along with Gonzalo. Easy for everyone to say wow thats great but it needs a little something extra to make it really stand out. The second shot is much better. I like that a lot and you can see his crazy tattoo - compositionally I think you have too much room top of frame, maybe landscape would have been better? The suit is blown, although I must say that was pretty difficult light you chose! 2 is good.
Go buy him a red belt
Hello again, can I give you a few more tips?
1. I think your frame is a little wide and shows more background than necessary. Remember that the protagonist in your picture is the man in the foreground and you can highlight him with a simple crop, respecting his gaze (and hands).
2. The clothes in your model produces light bouncy, making overexpose your image, try lowering the exposure until the clothes on your monitor has detail, texture, wrinkles, etc. This loss of detail happens to black or white clothing when the exposure is not ok.
3. Try (if you can) taking a shot with natural light and then again with fill flash + natural soft light, compare them and see which you prefer. Be careful with shady eyes.
The body portion on your second frame is much better. Shows the attitude of the model.
Congratulations, bye.
Gonzalo.. Thanks!!! fantastic tips!! I have a notebook that I write all these tips down in.. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me some pointers. all EXCELLENT tips.. I will try again soon with another model and see if I can produce some better results.. I have only been taking pictures for a few months now so I am trying to absorb all this information still.. I am hoping one day it all comes together.. lol, there is a LOT to remember...!! But I will keep practicing and with the help of all the nice people in the forum I may get it down pat in a few years.. hehe.!
LOL Neil, I think he was trying to challenge me perhaps, He is an excellent photographer, The lighting was VERY difficult and I didn't choose the outfit. it was bright mid-day sunlight, not the best for portraits. I think my nerves played a part in these photo's.. He was going to show me how to use speed lighting, I think that is what he called it, But we were really pressed for time.. I only had one hour before my classes... Over all though, I was pretty happy with them for a beginner.. I know I have lots to improve on but now I have a starting point to improve from. learning is sort of half the fun of photography I appreciate all the comments and help.. Thanks!!
HEllo Shannon,
Willie did according to me a very good analysis. I would like just to add one suggestion. The sun is a little bit too much on the left side of your model. This means that the right side of you image is a lower exposed.
Except these details that's for me a good shot
The second is much better but I think that the portrait format is not the best. The second one landscape format could be huge
Thanks for your input Thierry, I am going to shoot another person Tomorrow and try and keep everyone's suggestions in mind. I am not expecting miracles LOL Just to improve slightly over my first time.. Practice and try try again. Makes perfect.
....well it is pretty well done for the first attempt, it seems you really know what your doing, i like the first image it is well lit and sharp, but the last image seems a bit overexposed and main subject is not that sharp instead the tree grain/texture is more sharper than the subject, but again nice shoots...
Thanks Dante, I have no clue what I am doing..lol,. I just started taking pictures, but I try.. Thanks for pointing out the tree being sharper then the subject, I actually never noticed that.. I will also keep that in mind.. for tomorrow. ...
hi Shannon, good to see your learning progress...in your last image i have a new suggestion, model's shadow and eyes are aiming/falling to the right, so i think this is the side you have to give more space, BUT! his body (lower body) is aiming to the left...so, i think this image would look better if your model changes his position (legs) to the right and then everything will be to the right, this will give you more control of the distracting background.