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Thread: Martyr to Art

  1. #1

    Martyr to Art

    I perhaps should not blame Raylee for this one...OK I will

    Martyr to Art

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Awesome! I wish there was some dripping blood coming out from the bullet holes and dripping even to the black areas of the film strips. You are a very imaginative guy, Steve. An artist per se.

  3. #3
    Camellia's Avatar
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    Re: Martyr to Art

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    I perhaps should not blame Raylee for this one...OK I will

    Martyr to Art
    Again - I'm happy to take the blame. Keep up the inspirational work Steve!


  4. #4

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Bothersome! (as in frightening!)

    Who in the world is a martyr for art, though?

  5. #5
    rob marshall

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Who in the world is a martyr for art, though?
    I'd say there are not many. A martyr is a person who suffers much or is killed because of their political or religious beliefs, and is often admired because of it. Salman Rushdie perhaps over Satanic Verses?

  6. #6

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    I'd say there are not many. A martyr is a person who suffers much or is killed because of their political or religious beliefs, and is often admired because of it. Salman Rushdie perhaps over Satanic Verses?
    I just can't think of anyone - maybe because I'm thinking of photography but, now that I think about it, there must be some for sure... maybe, journalists, er...? Now, that I'm thinking "suffering for words", though, more are coming to mind. Solzhenitsyn retired to our village before going back to Russia, after his exile.... (He left before I moved here.)

    Steve....? Explain yourself! Or, is it like Mary Poppins said, "I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear - I never explain myself!"?

  7. #7

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Steve....? Explain yourself! Or, is it like Mary Poppins said, "I'd like to make one thing perfectly clear - I never explain myself!"?
    My job is done. If it gets people thinking then I believe the image does its job. As far as my thoughts go it was more to do with martyrdom in an implicit sense. The self searching and laying open of our real feelings about art in general.

    Mary Poppins...I have a theory about these films - I hear you groaning but bear with me - mind altering drugs - hallucinogens. If you watch these 'childrens' films from the sixties and seventies (Bed Knobs and Broomsticks, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang etc.) Or rather relax into them, you will find yourself coming to the conclusion that they were all stoned - not the actors but the scriptwriters, the directors, the whole production team in fact. They are actually quite scary even when seen from the safe distance of decades. ...or is it just me?

  8. #8
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Martyr to Art

    On your photo - it is arresting yes that's the word I wanted
    The holes but then the light coming through the filmstrip very cool
    And as for your theory on those movies I would have to agree - some of those nanny types were quite scary under that spoonful of sugar

  9. #9

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    Mary Poppins...I have a theory about these films - I hear you groaning but bear with me - mind altering drugs - hallucinogens. If you watch these 'childrens' films from the sixties and seventies (Bed Knobs and Broomsticks, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang etc.) Or rather relax into them, you will find yourself coming to the conclusion that they were all stoned .....
    Oh, stop it! I have no trouble thinking like them on just pure air and, Lewis Carroll? Why does everyone one say he was a caterpillar on drugs? He makes PERFECT sense to me!! Admit it, Steve, I know that you imagine impossible/ridiculous/fabulous things before breakfast ever gets there.... how many, every morning, hmmm?

  10. #10

    Re: Martyr to Art

    imagine impossible/ridiculous/fabulous things before breakfast ever gets there.... how many, every morning, hmmm?
    Every morning Katy. My head has always been in the clouds. I blame it on Dick Van Dyke - that cockney accent is way too scary

    it is arresting yes that's the word I wanted
    Thanks Kay that is what I was aiming for with this. Must dash I can hear the creaking wheels of the child catchers wagon

  11. #11
    Shambhala's Avatar
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    Re: Martyr to Art

    beyond cool Steve, I can't even imagine how you took this photo! Love it!

  12. #12

    Re: Martyr to Art

    Thanks Shannon. Like most of my stuff its keeping things simple (like me). The hand shots are my daughters converted to b/w. The overlay is graffiti I photographed at our local skate park. The rest is down to bump mapping and some rather time consuming dodging, burning and playing around with saturation until I get what is in my head onto the screen (or as near as possible). The trick is getting the blending to look consistent. Here you can see I have not quite achieved that with the holes in the hands. I rarely rework anything but with this one I think I might have a bash at getting more holy holes

    Actaully that all sounds far more complicated than it actually is

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