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Below are the few things I learned about HDR:
- Always check that there is enough contrast in what you're about to shoot (example darkest part Tv=1/30 and brightest part Tv=1/1000, that is a 5 stop difference)
- Always shoot RAW
- Always use a tripod
- Always shoot a series of pictures: -3EV, -2EV, -1EV, 0EV, +1 EV, +2 EV, +3EV (if possible forget about AEB and do it manually)
- Use Aperture mode (or keep it fixed)
- Use a HDR program to either tone map or do an exposure fusion
- Always use the result of the HDR program in PS and combine it with the 7 original photos to improve the final result (combine layers and masks)
- in PS, use your favorite actions/filters to improve parts of the picture
How do you guys go ahead to produce a good HDR picture?